This is my nephew, 4, working in Photoshop and 3ds max

I was impressed at how easily he picked stuff up and remembered, like changing colours and to save (quite hard for a young-en). He also realised when he pressed save, it automatically updated max

I have a hard time getting adults to understand Max + Photoshop, so thats pretty great! Aint kids grand?
i think you should introduce him to Zbrush next, no really
Kids that age are the best. Everything's genuine.
gman: I'm from Bramley, next door to Armley
Thnom: My family back home is massive. Chances are your rubbing shoulders with my lot in the pub.
We all need to go out for a beer some time :P
Funny vid thnom, thanks for sharing.
It's so cute how Americans expect Brits to sound like Hugh Grant!
Funny vid thnom, thanks for sharing.
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Nah, Ali-G.
Seriously though, I just expect it to be intelligable. Its like talking to many of our European brethren who, while they are speaking English, my ears are so unaccustomed to the accent & dialect, it sounds like gibberish.
Its also cute how Uk'ers (British, Scottish, Irish) are so sensitive about things like accent or the region from whence they hail and the like. Or when Americans say "Im scottish & german", they get offended, or some such nonsense, when the American chap OBVIOUSLY means that is their ancestry.
As for your second point, I admit that when that happens (an American proudly pronouncing their ancestry to me) that I find it bizarre indeed, (i don't understand the motives for doing so) but I sure as hell am NOT, like you say, *offended* by it. It's just weird, that's all. You're American, why complicate matters?
She and I both have red hair, green eyes, fair skin, raging drunks, etc.
As for sensitivity, I just mean you're sensitive TO it, not really ABOUT it. As in, a brit can say "oh, from your accent I can tell youre from South Wales" whereas I cannot tell the difference between a Texan & Floridian accent, or New Jersey & New York.
From what I understand, I think that stems from accent being an indicator of your "class" in UK society, yes?
Anyway, I re-listened with a more careful ear to the vid, and was able to decipher what he was saying 90% of the time. I think my inability to understand what the hell he was saying was combination accent & less than perfect audio recording.
Anywho, cheers all! Kids are cool, and maybe one day I'll find a young woman crazy enough to procreate with me, and I'll know the pleasures of child rearing myself.
I hope I don't lose a damn thing from mine, I'm happy to be British and even happier to be from Leeds.
Edit: Admittedly I do speak fast and mutter a fair bit so my voice isn't a fair reflection of the Leeds Accent
What the fuck kind of accent do you have? It sounds like your speaking another language.
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he is