"FIFA has launched an investigation into the events leading up to Zidane's head-butt on Materazzi in extra time during Sunday's World Cup final. A
recent amendment to FIFA's Disciplinary Code shows the entire Italian could be disqualified and perhaps lose their championship if Materazzi did indeed use racial and/or religious slurs towards Zidane."
Now, I personally didn't follow the games much outside of watching it at friends houses / lunch break at work... but still.. this could get interesting.

thats bullshit. Sticks and stones and all. Violence wont disqualify an entire team, and words will? fuck that.
*waves dick around*
None of my teams won, let us stop caring.
headbutt = not likely to claim cup from italy.
wait, then that cheating portugal will complain saying if they knew that france and italy were out they would have cheated harder during the game with germany.
Back to my original statement
Frank the Avenger
He chose a hell of a way to start his retirement, though
"Experts in self-defense and mixed martial arts say Zidane's head butt was a flawless demonstration of the form."
Zidane should win the badass award, flooring a guy by headbutting him in the chest! Whoda thunkit!
[/ QUOTE ]
Bah! I think he "flopped" just to try and draw attention to it. The same way Pippen use to fall down if someone ran by him too close on the b-ball court
I think this whole thing is a joke.