After perusing the posts in the "What brought you to polycount / #md" I have come to the realization that I don't know who anyone is anymore. Now I don't post here as much as I used to, but I do still read here.
If you have a problem with it, I understand, but if you don't please post all your previous
Names on the Polycount forums (especially you guys throwing around names like 3dpallete

I'll start by posting all of my alts...
umm, ok thats it

snemmy now
now skankerzero
The only other variant is 'thnomc'.
was Skanker
now skankerzero
[/ QUOTE ]
DOH! I never would have guessed
urza's destruction
maybe one or two more that i forgot, if anyone remembers some big giant annoying jerks, let me know. maybe they were me.
although brome has had probably the most!
No, not really
you know when it comes down to it.. we're all EXPENDABLE!
Now I'm Tulkamir. :P
hawken=I already know who you are
john warner = blast69. DAMN NOW WHAT A HOMO NAME THAT IS !!1
Anyway on irc it's Cheapy and in some other sites it's leileilol (infatuation with chinese corpse hopper girl taking over... !)
I used to be Treponema pallidum. Now I am Malekyth.
And Mal, i never knew you were treponema pallidum!
Not that i have any extra fond memories we could share now or anything, but i remember the name from eons ago.
I used to have a dir with everyone's old sigs in, but i lost it, sadly.
Also, i'm still Pea. Michael_pea on irc, Mighty pea on forums. My first nick was the slighly more spastic *Mighty Pea!!, haling from the time when me and my friend wanted to easily identify eachother in a q2 botmatch (scorewise
I'm Jeemanx for some email accounts, since Gman gets snapped up pretty quickly - and BigAnimator on 3dBuzz. 'BigAnimator' is a cartoon image from the inside cover of a Terry Gilliam biography.