anyone got a clue about this? It's really starting to wind me up
Max 8 : Scene B not finding certain x-ref objects from scene A - they DO exist, the paths are spot on, the names are spot on. I know that, cos they always used to be there. And suddenly ... not.
I'm guessing this is on an object level rather than x-ref node/manager level, cos i've modified the objects in Scene A, but not their x-reffed placements or properties in Scene B. But god knows what - they're just basic editable meshes. Anyone know what might be causing otherwise innocent-looking objects to be unresolved in another scenes x-ref manager?
i'm going mental. Ta.
EDIT - actually, i'm not sure this is on the object level any more ... can make a new x-ref using the same object, inside the same scene, and it resolves it fine. Stupid bloody thing. Oh for the days where we just scrawled paintings of mammoths on our wive's leathery backs ...
From what I've read, Xrefs have always been trouble.
I'm relying on xref's extensively so if anyone has any solution or ideas they'd be much appreciated.
I also found another resolution which may be a bit safer - quicker: right click on the file which is broken and select "File->Strip Path" - do this for all broken files (doesnt support multiple selection .. argh) and then multiple select all files you stripped the paths and select "File->Resolve Path to UNC Location".
So long as your max paths are set up correctly this works also. Go figure?
Here's the fix...
<font class="small">Code:</font><hr /><pre>
fn updateXrefRecordsOnOpen = (
local n = objXRefMgr.recordCount
if n > 0 do (
pushPrompt "Updating Xrefs..."
local xrefRecordArr = for i = 1 to n collect objXRefMgr.getRecord i
for xrefRecord in xrefRecordArr do (
try (xrefRecord.update())catch()
pushPrompt ""
callbacks.addScript #filePostOpen "updateXrefRecordsOnOpen()" id:#updateXrefRecordsOnOpen_startup
</pre><hr />
Copy the code to a text file and save it as "" in your Max/Scripts/Startup folder, and restart Max.
It basically just hits the Update button for you when you open a scene with xrefs.
If that doesn't help, then there's something else going on.