Anyone know a good way of rendering the isoline type display that is an option under meshsmooth in Max 8?
I want some nice renders of meshsmoothed objects with the isoline display overlayed. Only way I can see of getting the isolines out of Max is to screengrabs which isn't really suitable for what I need it for.
You could always try turning on the antialiasing settings in the viewport (never tried it myself, i think it's a setting in the Preferences menus), do your render with whatever lighting, then with the exact same camera angle, screengrab the viewport with the isoline display wires set to black, with the model material set to 100% self-illuminated white, and with the viewport background white.
then just paste that over the top of your render and change the layer mode to Multiply or Darken, and scale it to fit as appropriate.
that'll only work for still frames, though, and it's a bit of a faff, but it'd probably work...