Hey. I've got a little problem. My roomate is trying to set up some image planes to model a character. However when I import the files into maya the file node and the lambert look alright, once on the plane or even a cube the image is unexplainably sheared. This does not happen with all images. My resources are the 3dsk image sets. I tryed a bear and a cow. These images worked fine. It seems whenever I try a human I get the same results.
Other oddities I have noticed are image artifacting and black and white colour images.
In an attempt to remedy the situation I tried many things. First copying the female reference pictures into a clean new file in photoshop. This did not solve anything. Second I took the image of the bears and pasted the female reference ontop of the image to see if it was infact a corruption in the file. The images showed up fine, but this is not a solution. With that hope in mind I decided to crop that image file around the female reference. Essentially making a new reference from the bear file. Maybe a different file, different results? Nope. To try something else I cropped the female but with a little bit of the bear image in the background. Again this resulted in image shearing as you can see below.
I have re-installed maya and deleted my prefs with no solution. I also tried a blinn shader and phong shader instead. It seems there is something wrong with the files.
I have never encountered this problem before. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

fmnoor: No there are no extras installed on this maya. Save an ase exporter.
the texture is probably not a power of two.
[/ QUOTE ]
Video drivers should be updated, and the texture should be 2^n on each side.
My roommate really needs to get it work so they can work on their demo reel.