wee lass: "Kenny, Kenny! I'm still playing WoW, have you got any tips for me?"
Kenny: "AYE, here's a tip for ye! Don't plan anything good for your life 'cause you'll be pregnant by 14, homeless by 16, addicted to heroin by 18, and by 20 you'll be FOOKIN DEAD."
Basically, if you miss the irreverent, no-bullshit style comedic game reviewing days of Old Man Murray as much as I do, Consolevania is for you.
Consolevania is a series of videogame review episodes by three Scottish guys named Rob, Ryan, and Kenny. Nevermind the fact that excessive swearing sounds the best in a thick Scottish brogue (because it does), these three are very funny and most importantly do some excellent videogame reviews.
In the most recent episode (2.6) they review Sensible Soccer, World Poker Tour, Stacked, Urban Chaos, and Hitman: Blood Money. Each review is footage of the game with one of the three CV guys talking over the footage--not surprisngly, the reviews are better put together and funnier than anything on G4. In between the reviews are skits or other little gags that are hilarious... the recurring TEAM! segment is the three of them calling a developer (most recently Rare) to task for shitty games and challenging them to a fight with all sorts of "colorful" insults.
For a taste, here's their review of Oblivion (from 2.5). I'M OVERENCUMBERED!
or here's an excerpted mangling of an interview with Nintendo's Reggie Fils-Aime talking about Microsoft's J Allard. Priceless.
I recommend starting with the most recent episode, 2.6 (2.7 is due soon!), and working back.
Fair warning: all of their episodes are absolutely chocked full with swearing, and some people might have a lot of trouble deciphering what the hell it is they're saying most of the time.
and some people might have a lot of trouble deciphering what the hell it is they're saying most of the time.
[/ QUOTE ]
You can say that again. If I watch it twice, I can maybe pickup about 70% of what's being said
"An' remember, las' generation, you couldn' ev'n fockin' throw boots u' top ah roofs couldya ladies 'n' gen'lemen."
I'm going to try to track down the 'Hitler - Pimp my Console' sketch.
Edit - As if by magic:
I've seen some other their stuff before (like the moonwalker one). Some good stuff there
Only a Scotsman in a bird suit can make "coo coo" sound threatening.
Red Bull? Pish.
I haven't stopped laughing in 10min, I'm not even done with season one yet.
They did have thier own tv series on scotish TV, but they were only 15 minute episodes and won't have a second series.
Basically I love this in the same way as "Vids", if anyone remembers that.
bumping the thread since episode 2.7 is out!