Hey people, I'll try and keep this really short and sweet..
I'm looking for a talented 3d character artist to help out with a fairly well developed project I've been working on.
Its an action RPG inspired by Secret of Mana and Chrono Trigger.
It runs on almost all platforms (including consoles).
I've taken the project about as far as I can without getting an artist involved.. I dont have the art skills to do it myself anymore.. I'd really like an artist to help me out making it look nice so I can release a demo..
I dont expect too much of your time, I'd even be happy with just 1 character and a nice looking scene.. Just something to show the potential of the game, that will at least help make a good demo and attract other artists to the project if you dont have a lot of time.
Any feedback/questions are welcome, and feel free to talk on my project forum too (link on the website).
Oh, I'd also really like to find a web designer too to help make the website look presentable
Hopefully i'll be releasing a playable demo some time soon.. Its all running, i just want some real art for the release so people can take it a bit more seriously..
- Manu