He's a two-fisted tea drinker! Look at those pinkies!
I never knew his name... I just call him the Giant Indian, because the first time I saw him when they announced he was joining the band, he was wearing no shirt - just a black leather vest and leather bracers. And in my mind thats what Native Americans wear. Ones that rock, anyways.
Yeah... anyhow, mesh looks good. His ass has some odd topology, looks like you're readying him for a tail.
Alright, did quite a bit tonight. I posed him and unwraped him. so now there is just some little changes I want to make to his overall body style, add hair and all that good stuff. I'm at 1746 tris right now without the hair so I'm going to add some things here and there with the extra polys.
Alsog ot the guitar done. I did the guitar in the shape of the metallica star.
Up late. Started doing the hair and got into it. I have the hair on and unwraped. I did some changes to his body too just a more comic booky feel and stance. I added a strap for the guitar and a chain around his neck. I'm at 1900 now. I put the guitar seporate next to him this time just for you Flaagan.
that looks awesome!
lower legs seem to have an unnecessary amount of polys going up and down though, they don't seem to be defining the shape at all. minor nitpick though, overall it looks great! keep it up!
Thank you guys! You were right MoP those polys going up and down the shin weren't needed so I threw em out. Thanks! Lets hope the texture comes out good.
Alright just thought I would throw an update up. I'm certainly not going for photo real but I have a very long way to go on the texture yet. Just started it reacently.
Ha, awesome! He's gone a long way from headless guy who is meditating, to a very expressive pose, and just look at that hair! I don't know if you changed anything with a guitar, but it's looking better now, because in previous update a great part of the guitar body was obscured by his hand, and now in this angle it shows better. Keep rocking!
Thanks Fogmann! I didn't add anything to the guitar. I guess it was just the angle I was looking at. I was going to throw another update up last night since I finished most of his body. Either way, thank you again guys!
Alright, here we go. I came home for lunch so I thought I would post while I wait for my food to heat. Still a long way to go with muscle definition and all that good stuff, but he's looking better.
Alright, thought I would post the final here too. Got the guitar done and some other things. Wish I had a little more time but work and demands for a normal sex life keep me from the computer at times.
Here is the texture too. Haven't done much character unwraping as I'm mainly a world guy so any crits on it would be much appreciated.
Haha, I did but it didn't look that great. I need more time to put into it so it would look right but I'm working on other stuff today and I have work tomorrow so I have to pass it on as is. : / Atleast I finished it in some way though.
Not only that but I already posted in the finished thread! and bring the noogies!!! I'll pee in your cube! I've done it before!
anyway, you already told me you changes this mesh in the car, so my crits (seen above) are no longer apt.
I never knew his name... I just call him the Giant Indian, because the first time I saw him when they announced he was joining the band, he was wearing no shirt - just a black leather vest and leather bracers. And in my mind thats what Native Americans wear. Ones that rock, anyways.
Yeah... anyhow, mesh looks good. His ass has some odd topology, looks like you're readying him for a tail.
Alsog ot the guitar done. I did the guitar in the shape of the metallica star.
lower legs seem to have an unnecessary amount of polys going up and down though, they don't seem to be defining the shape at all. minor nitpick though, overall it looks great! keep it up!
really love the metallica symbol bass body
Here is the texture too. Haven't done much character unwraping as I'm mainly a world guy so any crits on it would be much appreciated.
Push some volume, directional lighting and specular on that texture! Looks very flat right now.
I'll give you noogies tomorrow.
Not only that but I already posted in the finished thread!