Since I figured this was going to be the choice, I wrote up some ideas I had for my entry this past week at work. It's on a yellow notepad page around here.... somewhere.. nothing fancy looking, just an idea-dump on the sheet. My guy's gonna be a rocking robot, who's either going to be bolted down to the stage or hovering around. Since I also figured a guitar would be part of the challenge, he's going to have a guitar with circuitry for strings and a touchscreen area for him to strum away at.
Rock on!

Rock Robot 9000 "concept"
Sawblade for hair...that´s awesome!
what's not to get... i said i was just jotting down ideas... i'm not friggin gauss.. i dont eat crayons and crap out masterpieces.. the page is clearly labeled into sections based on different body parts for the rock robot and a few possibilities are jotted down in each section...
[/ QUOTE ]
It was late last time I looked, and I honestly couldn't make sense of it. Sorry.
Sawblade hair looks good, like Slaught said.
the head with the single eye (think HAL 9000 eye), the sawblade hair, bolts in the sides of the head for ears, a bolted down base, probably a clamp-ish hand style... the torso style is still up in the air though.
Rhino, yah, may end up going that route if I don't find a style I like with a polygonal basis.
dunno bout the bolt ears, may keep 'em.. we'll see
aesir.. yah, may keep the hair in its current style, but i definitely need to redo regardless, wasteful of polies in its current state... and if i have polies to spare i'll make it a bit more intricate.
Helper's cool, too. But he doesn't look like he could rock.
put some effort into those fingers!
gonna figure out a better 'foot'... but gonna start adding some other details... maybe some scars, scrapes, welded on patches or something along those lines.
(bolted on bandage, chipped tooth, and gut scar currently there)... hovering just under 1700 at the moment.
still under 1900 tris, so I'm gonna add some of the embelishments I discussed in #md..
weiser... yah, may add some stickers / "tattoos" (etchings maybe) to him and the guitar.
Transistor Necklace
Roughly 50 more polys to play with at this point!
Oh, and I'm thinking of naming the guy Amp Roland
Keep on rockin!
i think you could release a few polys in the jaw hinge and possibly the hydraulics. you could also do that old trick of using an alpha'd quad for the ends of the small cylinders (jaw, shoulder, leg hinges)
rocking design.
but how does he use his waa-waa pedal?!
Sect, if he needs one, I'm sure he can just tilt his foot back and lean on it!
<object width="425" height="350"><param name="movie" value=""></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="425" height="350"></embed></object>
I'm actually hoping to try for a neon and metal look like the guys in that vid, hopefully I can achieve it.
(I need to get those dvd's, so cool, always stop to watch some of them when I'm at Fry's.)
Seems kind of unlikely that I'll have time to finish it in time for the contest, but I'm gonna finish it anyways.