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ola!! i have a dual monitor question......

polycounter lvl 18
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fritz polycounter lvl 18
aight. i have set up a second monitor...it's the exact same as my primary(dell 1905FP). here's my question...how do i set it up so it reads as one big monitor? right now the second monitor is up and running but it's a mirror image of my other one.

i'd like to have it where i can run one app on one screen and another app on the other.

i have a Nvidia GeForce 6800GT card.

any help would be greatly appreciated


  • MoP
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    MoP polycounter lvl 18
    I don't have an NVidia card myself, but I'd guess there's an option in the drivers which enables you to change it from mirroring to being an independent display.
    I seem to recall having a similar problem with a lecturer's laptop which was running NVidia, their drivers seem to be unnecessarily complicated when dealing with this sort of thing.

    Sorry I can't help in any specific way. Just have a dig around in all of the driver settings...
  • Joseph Silverman
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    Joseph Silverman polycounter lvl 17
    I only have one display myself, but I think the options you're looking for are here:

  • fritz
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    fritz polycounter lvl 18
    well...i don't even have those options. ahahahahaha. but hey man, thanks to the both of you. i found some thingy that says "force tv detection"...some dude was talkin bout it on some other forum. all works now. YAY!!! I HAVE A COMMAND CENTER!!! 3....2....1....
  • beaker
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    beaker polycounter lvl 17
    should just be able to right click your desktop and select properties from the menu, and then the settings tab should have the 2 monitors showing up with squares 1 and 2 inside. select the number 2 square and then under the screen resolution there is a bullet for "extend my windows desktop onto this monitor"
  • Illusions
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    Illusions polycounter lvl 18
    Its included with the nvidia Forceware drivers on nvidia's website. Download the new drivers for your card, and double click the nvidia logo that should appear in your taskbar near the time. One of the tabs should deal with multiple monitors. I've done it before on my desktop, but right now I'm on my laptop, and thats ATI, so, I can't help with what the Forceware tabs do.
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