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polycounter lvl 17
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fmnoor polycounter lvl 17
Hey guys,

I've been working quietly over the past few weeks to get my texture work upto speed and am starting to build a portfolio with the primary focus of getting an internship at X publisher/studio by the end of my next quarter.

I do have a few questions about this topic in general though :

a. Apart from EA, are there any studios or major publishers which have an internship program (San Francisco)? (Before I go through each one manually and check).

b. After going through dozens of reels/portfolios I see people pretty much just putting up works in specific areas they work in (i.e malcolm has environments/daz seems to lean towards characters etc). If I wanted to steer towards environmental art in the future should I stick fast or should I put in some characters and life drawing on the side?

Any general insight on the topic, ramblings / rantings or opinions would be great.


  • hawken
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    hawken polycounter lvl 19
    [ QUOTE ]
    (Before I go through each one manually and check).

    [/ QUOTE ]

    oh heavens forbid you should actually do some research off your own fat arse and get the world handed to you on a plate.
  • Daz
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    Daz polycounter lvl 18
    [ QUOTE ]

    a. Apart from EA, are there any studios or major publishers which have an internship program (San Francisco)? (Before I go through each one manually and check).

    b. After going through dozens of reels/portfolios I see people pretty much just putting up works in specific areas they work in (i.e malcolm has environments/daz seems to lean towards characters etc). If I wanted to steer towards environmental art in the future should I stick fast or should I put in some characters and life drawing on the side?

    Any general insight on the topic, ramblings / rantings or opinions would be great.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    At intern level I would keep a somewhat more varied portfolio. It will give the studio you're working with a broader range of skills to evaluate. Certainly life drawing is a good example of something that should be in an interns reel.

    I no longer work at EA Redwood shores, but I'm not sure why you would specifically discount them for an internship. You might have some political reasons for doing so, but I think the term 'beggars can't be choosers' is most definitely valid in this instance.

    And yeah, go through each one manually and check. There are not much more than a handful. As one of the bigger studios, I would think Lucasarts probably have a program, but I really don't know.
  • fmnoor
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    fmnoor polycounter lvl 17
    [ QUOTE ]

    At intern level I would keep a somewhat more varied portfolio. It will give the studio you're working with a broader range of skills to evaluate. Certainly life drawing is a good example of something that should be in an interns reel.

    I no longer work at EA Redwood shores, but I'm not sure why you would specifically discount them for an internship. You might have some political reasons for doing so, but I think the term 'beggars can't be choosers' is most definitely valid in this instance.

    And yeah, go through each one manually and check. There are not much more than a handful. As one of the bigger studios, I would think Lucasarts probably have a program, but I really don't know.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Not discounting EA, I had gone through a list of most of the major publishers that have locations in/around SF and EA was one of the few had made their requirements very clear so I know what they were looking for in potential candidates.

    [ QUOTE ]
    oh heavens forbid you should actually do some research off your own fat arse and get the world handed to you on a plate.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Sorry about that, I had gone through a list of them at gamedevmap.com and didn't come up with much on my first go. I thought I might ask before I dig deeper.
  • hawken
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    hawken polycounter lvl 19
    I did a 2 week internship with a game dev (on snes games!!) after leaving school, it really sorted me for understanding the basics of working in such an environment. Later, working on a quake mod, really helped me understand the production process, even if it was in a hobby capacity.

    So basically, I think it might be best to phone the company you want to work for free for, and tell them you're popping over to make the tea for a few weeks.
  • Dravalen
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    Dravalen polycounter lvl 18
    Honestly I would just email places and ask if the are accepting interns. The place I'm currently doing an internship didn't list anything. Just find a list of all the places in the area you are looking and drop them a line.
  • fmnoor
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    fmnoor polycounter lvl 17
    [ QUOTE ]
    Honestly I would just email places and ask if the are accepting interns. The place I'm currently doing an internship didn't list anything. Just find a list of all the places in the area you are looking and drop them a line.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Yea, it seems a lot of them haven't listed anything, while some others have snuck them in under job postings (like Activision).

    Thanks for the tips guys, I'll be making a few calls and sending some emails soon and cross my fingers.
  • Joseph Silverman
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    Joseph Silverman polycounter lvl 17
    [ QUOTE ]
    some emails soon and cross my fingers.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Don't forget to make follow up calls/emails in a week or so. Oftentimes the most imporant thing in business and sales. smile.gif
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