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polycounter lvl 19
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hawken polycounter lvl 19
load of old shite


I like tom cruise, I think he's done some good acting (vanilla sky, last ham-urai). But isn't it about time he moved on and became a scientology priest or some such thing with his life? Seriously, he was like jesus born again in this movie, and what gives with the weak (don't hurt me in real life) fight scenes and the dumb-shit goofy smiles at the end??

Action scenes were cool. Although they largely consisted of kit that magically appears accross boarders, without explanation. In fact most of the things that happen in the movie are without explanation! Sometimes this is a good thing, but not for action movies. I kept wondering "WTF is going on here?", as cut scene after cut scene melt my brain, until I really just couldn't care any more. "whoopee! They're in Shangahi". "wazoo! tom just knocked off the Rabits Foot from some faceless nameless building action scene we don't get to see".

Then, there's the bad guy. Who's he exactly? He's on screen for about 10 seconds, except for the fight at the end where he's, erm, fighting. Who is this guy?!? "I just kidnapped you, I know! I'll torture you in a random airplane!" There's no back story at all, no plot, no double twists, no brains.
There's no sense of journey in this film. It's just scene after scene of either A: action or B: mindless action. I was desperately hoping for some respite, even showing him on the plane to shanghai have been enough.

In short, I thought this was gonna be better than MI2, but actually, as "impossible" as this sounds, it sucked a whole lot harder.


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    SHEPEIRO polycounter lvl 17
    hahahaha yous aid vinnilla sky is good hahahahha, one of my pet hate films.

    the only good film tom cruise has been in is topgun end of.

    oh and days of thunder wink.gif
  • joolz8000
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    joolz8000 polycounter lvl 18
  • Asherr
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    Asherr polycounter lvl 18
    don't forget Legend. smile.gif
  • hawken
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    hawken polycounter lvl 19
    ok ok

    this is the bash mi3 thread, you guys get a room
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    SHEPEIRO polycounter lvl 17
    cant it be a bash tom criuse thread aswell.

    rainman- tom cruise didnt make it good.

    fair play on legend though

    still the best film TC has been in is Topgun and MI3 looks pantsx3
  • gauss
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    gauss polycounter lvl 18
    i agree that it's fun to watch a bit more considered depictions of international intrigue type plots, but MI:III just wasn't that movie. Watch Ronin or the vastly underrated Spartan if you want a bit more realistic and more nuanced looks at fieldcraft and such.

    Your comments on the pacing crack me up. JJ Abrams directed it, and he cut his teeth on Alias, which is a spy television show. Given that he's used to working with basically 45 minutes per episode, it felt like he was given the helm for an extra long episode, but still felt like he had to race to stuff more scenes in before cutting to commercial laugh.gif even though it obviously never does cut to commercial, you could see how those rhythms have informed his work.

    i agree that Hoffman could have spent more time on screen, but overall the story was sensible (as much as it needed to be) and i enjoyed the pacing and storytelling.

    it's nice to watch action movies start to move away from purely blatant CG antics and a little more back to solid stunt and pyrotechnic work.

    as far as mr. cruise himself? pretty blank in MI3. i might just have to revisit De Palma's turn for the first in the series, possibly even Woo's MI2 (though Woo hasn't really made a good film since he came to America).

    what exactly does he do in the Last Samurai? i take it that the title doesn't actually refer to his character, right?
  • rooster
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    rooster mod
    haha yeah cruise becomes a samurai in a few weeks and kills the rest of them single-handedly. Since cruise is, y'know, basically our saviour re-incarnated.
  • ebagg
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    ebagg polycounter lvl 17
    Personally I don't like Tom Cruise, even if you took away the notoriety from his publicity stunts and tabloid antics, he's not that great of an actor. He's made some decent movies, but I gotta say, any movie he's been in, that was good, was good for the cast or the script or the director, NOT him, I give him props for doing his stunts but his stunts still pale in comparison to major stunt action heroes. I also thought in his younger days he did some decent work, but thats partially because he now is repitiously doing "Tom Cruise" in every movie and he's become stagnant. I dare anyone to name a role he did, that couldn't have been played better by someone else.
  • Luxury
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    Luxury polycounter lvl 18
    I'll take up that dare. His role in Austen Powers.
  • Mister Sentient
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    Mister Sentient polycounter lvl 18
    Haven't seen MI3 yet. Have to admit I'm not too keen to either. A Few Good Men was a good Tom Cruise film. Can't think of any good recent ones though.
  • TomDunne
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    TomDunne polycounter lvl 18
    Hawken, I just wanted to note that you have truly mastered the Engrish language. Thread title is a laugh!
  • joolz8000
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    joolz8000 polycounter lvl 18
    Tom Cruise has certainly had more misses than hits, but I thought he was great in Collateral, A Few Good Men, Born on the Fourth of July, Jerry Maguire, and Minority Report. Rainman, Vanilla Sky, Magnolia, Eyes Wide Shut, Last Samurai, Taps... not bad. True, he tends to play the same guy (not so in Collateral) generally, and I wouldn't call him one of the greatest actors of all time, but for the most part I think he's solid. As for MI3, it's a forgetable film with a weak plot and a weaker script. Doesn't mean Cruise can't act.
  • ebagg
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    ebagg polycounter lvl 17
    Luxury; damn, you win!

    joolz: oh cmon Collateral was TOTALEEEEE the script.
  • KeyserSoze
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    KeyserSoze polycounter lvl 18
    [ QUOTE ]
    joolz: oh cmon Collateral was TOTALEEEEE the script.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    No way, the script sucked. The only reason I like Collateral at all is because Tom Cruise is such a badass in it (e.g. the scene where he guns down the muggers). When I think "badass," Tom Cruise is usually at the bottom of the list, but he really pulled it off in that movie.
  • Ryno
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    Ryno polycounter lvl 18
    Boycotting due to the BS he pulled about South Park. Guerilla consumer tactics, baby!
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