Public Service Announcement: Backing up your Data
Due to a recent hardware failure and error in judgement on my part, for the 2nd time in my life, I've probably lost nearly 100% of my artwork.(obviously not including renders uploaded to my webspace)
A friendly reminder:
Do yourself a favor, and backup your critical data/artwork, programs, and everything else daily.
Create some kind of batch, or process to do it automatically on a schedule. Something. Anything.
If possible, backup onto non-volitile storage optically - CD or DVD media.
Dont be a complete tool like me. Learn from my mistake!
Thank you.
newegg is having some pretty good Deals of the Day on dvd burners today(Mon June 26). so if you dont have one and want a good deal get going.
I have a DVD burner. Tons of blank media.
I have a 300gb external hard drive with a 1 touch backup system that I was just always too lazy to configure.
I had thankfully copied my music & video collection + lots of references to that drive long ago, in addition to a bundle of personal photos & the like, so I've still got a bit of stuff, but next to no recent artwork, no applications, etc.
I hope it works out for you with your data.
I'm not sure if this is helpful to you but apparently there is software that is very good at recovering data from fubared hard drives. A woman in my course had a similar thing happen and a friend of hers used this type of software (afraid I have no idea of the name) and it got about 95% of her stuff back.
Hope you manage to recover it somehow.
one is entitled "play", the other "work".
never trust the technology completely.
HDD's are cheap and unreliable.
Very important stuff i would still burn and propably mail to my gmail account too just to be safe.
Actually I recently wrote an article about how to make proper backups. The article is aimed at digital artists so many here may find it useful:
Backup tips and strategies for Artists
Hawken: What if a virus corrupts all your harddrives?
so far, i had hardly any data loss myself, fortunately. most of it was a result of user error (rm -rf * in my homedir, yeah, great command line fun... - and in another case selecting the wrong partition for a linux install. DOH!)
daily backups seem a bit over the top for a private user though
having a second machine can be really helpful to troubleshoot things, btw.
edit: just read your article, michalczyk. cheap CDR's can definitely be problematic, i agree. i had several noname's from the late 90'ies where the recordable surface started to peel off. the brand CDR's are still alive however - with 9-10 years of age for my oldest media. and i'd advise against using compression wherever possible. if the archive get's corrupted, all the work might be lost. i'd rather buy more DVD's to store the data in uncompressed fashion.
Here's something I wrote for Maxtor: (not as pretty as michalczyk's)
And while I turn my head the other way here's a link to some good software that you can schedule backups with. On my machines I just threw an extra 250G ATA drive in each which are hella cheap now and set it to back up every day at 5am (when I know I'm asleep)
You can get rid of the OneTouch drivers after the installation and keep Retrospect Express to do the backups.
Please don't post this link around with wild abandon since we still like to make money
My 300gb external is a Maxtor OneTouch II, so I happen to already have that app on CD.
hey they say everything happens for a reason ah?
Not sure of the circumstances were for you, but don't touch HD if you can. I found some fairly cheap (80 bucks) software online that worked great for me. I forget what it is now, but if you give me somet ime I'll find it again.
It does a free assessment on you HD before you buy it to make sure you can get your stuff back.
Nah - I work for Seagate now
[/ QUOTE ]
Wait a minute, a mov file certainly didn't corrupt my HD, what i was trying to say is that, when i randomly clicked the file my computer froze and restarted itslef, and never got back to Windows again, i looked at my HD in an other PC and it was whiped out.
But hey! you probably know more about this little adventure i had than my lost Hard drive himself.
I now use a program called "handyBackup" and a new exsternal drive connected to my PC which is purily for back-ups. The buety of Handy Back-up is that you can schedule it to back-up at a set-time,at work i have mine set for 5:00pm Daily and as long as the computer is on at the time it will jsut run the back-up automatically.Take sall of 15mins or so to set-up.
Highly recommended.
Good-luck getting your stuff back Scoob
Also, Sledgy, I'm pretty sure the retrospect software is available (the full 141 mb file) from the maxtor website, is your .iso different somehow?
What RetrospectHD IS good for is making a full system backup verbatim, so if your entire system crashes you just need to install the OS, service pack, then restore and everything including settings are restored. I just prefer reinstalling the OS and programs manually every 6 months or so and just call it "Windows maintenance"
Snemmy: I would hope that anybody who is planning on replacing a hard-disk themselves knows the differences between those!
Ive never owned a store bought computer. Every computer I've ever had has been built from the ground up.
good deal for those up in canuck land, heck even with shipping it looks to be a good deal. dunno what newegg has such a drive for.