Okay Ive been working on custom assets for a 100 perent custom level for ut2k4 for the past 4 months. Im going all out. But I havent had any luck with creating a self illuminated tex panner that goes behind another texture to show the panning on the first layered material. Basially Im trying to do this. I hope Ive explained myself well. Ive tried Combiner midifiers until im dizzy. Please help me if you know how to dp this. Thanks guys. And look for my map DM-Carbon in a few months. Ill post some screens later. =D
the red texture panner is visable through the top layer see. Created a nice ccircuit glowy effect. I just cant get the Alpha of ther front material to work so that the self illuminated tex panner shows through. Helpv Please!!
This is how I do it. I'm sure there are other ways...
Oh yeah the name of the map is going to be called DM-Carbon
I had that name before all the ut2007 DM-CarbonFire name came out. I want a hard steel look to everything. Since video cards have more memory then when this game was relesed Ive been conservative but have been doing higher resolution textures then what you would find in a map from epic.
all art has been sent to the US ccopyright office, man I once had someone steal my work and claim it as his own. Ever sincce Ive been paranoid. FU Dennis Thompson! hahha
but thatnks for the help!!
Oh you've probably noticced Im a big fan of self illumination. Had to have lights on that lift. Oh my map DM-Carbon will have zForceField type floors which you can shoot through. So for example if there is an overlapping area of the map Ill put in a force field to give that extra opportunity for headshots. It bloks all acctors exccept weapons fire. Thats what that green blue stuff is in the top right of one of the screens. Ill get a screen if it later.