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Vacationing Advice

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Tulkamir polycounter lvl 20
Hey, anyone around here know of a site that is good for getting vacation advice or doing research for a vacation (Or have any themselves)? Me and some friends are planning to go on a Vacation to Mexico soon, so I've gotta try to get some researching done here as I've never been.

I've been looking around and it's not easy to figure out which part of mexico would even be best for us.



  • Josh_Singh
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    Josh_Singh polycounter lvl 18
    Dont drink the water! huh huh.
  • Ryno
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    Ryno polycounter lvl 18
    Are you planning to do the Mexico beach resort thing, or real Mexico? There are guidebooks for both.
  • Lee3dee
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    Lee3dee polycounter lvl 18
    always look for the places where "girls gone wild" are filming, for an extra entertainment.
  • Tulkamir
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    Tulkamir polycounter lvl 20
    Probably the resort... what exactly is meant by real mexico?

    And finding the place where girls gone wild is filming... well... heaven?
  • Dukester
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    Dukester polycounter lvl 18
    I spent a week in Cancun back in 96. It was great!
    If you are doing the beach resor thing I recommend Cancun (or Cozumel)
    Just check out your local papers Sunday travel section for rates or (if they still exist) have a Travel Agent book your whole trip.

    There are tons of All-inclusive hotels there right on the beach. The beaches there are white as snow and the water is pure-dee clear blue.

    It will be really hot on any beach in Mexico during hurricane season though.
  • Ninjas
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    Ninjas polycounter lvl 18
    Cozumel is about a million times better than Cancun. I've also gone to Mazatlan, which isn't so much a tourist destination.

    The real Mexico is populated by humble ignorant farmers in the middle of nowhere, or alternately scarry thugs in Mexico City (from what I've heard, I haven't gone). Cancun and Cozumel are both recreations of what Mexicans think Americans like about Mexico. These areas are filled with shysters who will do everything in thei power it swindle you.

    If you really want my advice, skip going to Mexico and go somewhere else. If you are going to go, at least Cozumel has some nice snorkling and is close enough to ruins for you to check that out.
  • Dukester
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    Dukester polycounter lvl 18
    It all depends on why you are going doesn't it? smile.gif

    I went for the beach, the bikinis, the booze, the seafood and the fishing. Ruins and sightseeing didn't even factor into it. smile.gif
  • Tulkamir
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    Tulkamir polycounter lvl 20
    Hmm... thanks for the advice guys. I've spent a bunch of time on expedia and found out that Cancun and the Yucatan in general are out of our price range. Of the other the ones that look best are Puerto Vallarta and Acupluco. Anyone know anything on those?

    Also, we're going around Christmas (It's the only time everyone can get off), so prices are steeper then.

    What we're goin for... haha, depends on who you ask, I'm in it for the booze, bikini's, the ocean (Snorkling and swimming and shit), and would like to do some sight seeing at ruins and stuff, but probably won't have the money for it.

    And Ninja's, I've heard people say that before, so can you tell me why I should skip Mexico, and where else would be better? I'm a bit limited on my knowlege of vacation destinations, this being my first real big vacation.l

    Thanks again guys. smile.gif
  • Dukester
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    Dukester polycounter lvl 18
    I don't know first hand, but I hear of troubling things going on in and around Acupulco. Drug related crime, shootouts with the cops and such.
  • Ninjas
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    Ninjas polycounter lvl 18
    Like Dukester says, it depends a lot on what you are after. I dislike nightclubs, I'm not a fan of beaches, and I find it depressing to either a) spend time around people who are trying to trick you all the time, or b) spend time around people who live in houses with dirt floors while I'm living it up.

    I also didn't enjoy Amsterdam, so maybe I'm just a stick in the mud.

    If I was going on vacation I would go to British Columbia. Ha ha... no, really. I love Yellowstone and Olypic National Park in Washington.
  • AstroZombie
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    AstroZombie polycounter lvl 20
    I went to Mazatlan for the first time last year and me and my girlfriend liked it so much we went back and got married there this past February.

    Going around Xmas is the perfect time, IMO. I liked going in late January / early February because it was a nice mid-year break from the shitty weather here in the Pacific Northwest.
  • Ryno
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    Ryno polycounter lvl 18
    Yeah, real Mexico isn't for everyone. There's some great stuff in Mexico city. Fantastic cathedral, great history, Spanish architecture, Teotihuacan pyramids just north of the city, etc. There are also a lot of nice people, but there are also lots of thieves and thugs.

    Mexico is a big country, and there are lots of different options besides the typical beach resorts. Many of them are pretty interesting, but just aren't the guaranteed pre-packaged fun that the you'll get in Cancun, Cozumel, etc. Personally, I enjoy history and architecture so base a lot of my vacations around those types of sites, rather than the typical sun and booze trip.
  • cholden
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    cholden polycounter lvl 18
    I went to Puerto Vallarta in october (old town, like real mexico, but has resorts in the newer, northern area). It's on the west coast, has a lot of nice things to see and do, such as the rain forest where they filmed Predator. But, the area isn't for everybody. You and your buddies will probably have the most fun in an area like Cancun as far as partying in the sun goes.
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