its a toaster
just made me laff that they were trying to convince the EU that the PS2 is not a console.
"Bringing a nearly 5 year case to a close, an appeals court has denied the latest in Sony's efforts to have its PS2 classified as a computer, stating its findings that it is indeed instead a console, and therefore ineligible for a refund on the 50 million (£34mil) duty Sony alleges it has overpaid on videogame customs tariffs.
The original ruling on the PS2's status found that even if the unit's primary function could not be determined, and even given that programs could be compiled by home users for the machine using YIBASIC, its functionality as CD player, DVD player, and games player still qualified it for the tariff.
In a postscript, the ruling judge also criticized Sony's appeal, saying it "goes beyond what can be regarded as acceptable written advocacy" and "exceeds the bounds of propriety" by nature of its "frequent and unnecessary resort to hyperbole." "
quoted from edge-online site
That is pretty silly, though.
What I still don't understand is why an English court can overrule a decision by an EU court.
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simple, the eu is run by a bunch of twats.
A device that computes, especially a programmable electronic machine that performs high-speed mathematical or logical operations or that assembles, stores, correlates, or otherwise processes information.
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They're all computers, Dave.
The PS2 is turing complete so of course it's technically a computer but the law differentiates between general-purpose computers (which of course any turing complete system would technically be) and computers intended for specific purposes like videogames.
however a computer was a term for human beings!