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WIP 1st Zbrush Model

polycounter lvl 17
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Penzer polycounter lvl 17
Hey guys, I started to learn Zbrush about 3 weeks ago. That was before my finals in school, so I had to put it on hold untill earlier tonight. I'm going for an slightly exaggurated anatomically correct muscular look. I'm doing this as a learning project before I move into doing my own characters.

Obviously I haven't done much on the forearms, lower legs, hands, feet and head. I'm looking for comments on what I have done, or any tips for parts I haven't done yet. Now that I've rendered in Maya, I'm noticing some problems from the back shot of my shoulders but I'll fix it later on.





Thanks for any input.


  • ScoobyDoofus
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    ScoobyDoofus polycounter lvl 20
    {pre-post apologies, its 4am here, I just got off a long day of work, AND im drunk from post work cocktails)

    Hey Panzer. Good first effort!
    I'd like to say that you need to learn to use more sharp edges.
    Your model here seems to suffer from a Zbrush-Itis, which is common to new users. He's very lumpy & balloony. No sharp edges anywhere to be found. Use masks (hold ctrl while drawing) to isolate areas of your mesh. Use the inflat & pinch tools to create more variation in edge softness/hardness. Study anatomy carefully.'
    USE REFERENCE. Dont try to draw exclusivly from memory until you have mastered the forms you're illustrating.

    Good effort! Good luck! Dont be shy to post your work here often for critiques!
  • Zwebbie
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    Zwebbie polycounter lvl 18
    And, black backgrounds for renders are evil!
  • noritsune
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    noritsune polycounter lvl 17
    you're getting some nice curves through the lines of the limbs though, especially at the forearm and the calves. The feet strike me as being way too small right now - need more width, and possibly more length.

    Also he's looking a little... androgynous.
  • Penzer
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    Penzer polycounter lvl 17
    Both forums pointed out the black background, hahaha. I guess that will be a no no for future renders then. I'm using Bridgemans Complete Guide to Drawing from Life as references here, as well as my own muscular physique :P

    Ya right, I wish. Thanks guys, will have more shots posted as it comes along. I'm on my break from school, so I'm going back home to Nanaimo for a week but will continue after that. I may get some more done today, see how it goes.
  • MoP
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    MoP polycounter lvl 18
    The majority of the muscle placement looks roughly correct so far, but you really need to get more hard edges in. On the whole it's looking really blobby and undefined at the moment, use the Pinch tool to create some sharper transitions with smooth areas between them. Should look much more believable.
  • Ruz
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    Ruz insane polycounter
    You could add more edge loops before you get it in to zbrush.
    I would never have a head that lacking in detail in zbrush( though its not imposssible)
    Perhaps block it out more in your 3d app first
  • Penzer
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    Penzer polycounter lvl 17
    I won't leave the head that lacking in detail before zbrush in the future, but I'm just doing this to learn Zbrush. I wanted to make myself do as much as possible in Zbrush, just to get some practice with the program. This guy isn't intended to be any sort of "character", just something for me to make as a learning exercise.
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