this has been a long running issue with our export tools, we cannot export a model that has lambert 1 assigned to any part of it, or we get an error. Not sure what the deal is with lambert 1 but its a no-go area so we always try hard to keep it away from everything, but without fail we get that error that lambert 1 is applied to a poly somewhere.
When you select lambert 1 and select objects with material, nothing is selected but there is a 'phantom' gizmo, with nothign connected. If you delete it, the whole mesh goes, but no polys are actually selected.
It sounds like a history thing, but since we're dealing with skinned characters we're limited to 'delete non-skin history' and 'optimise scene size' which don't seem to do anything for the problem.
Does anyone else know of a similar problem to this, and do you have any good workarounds?
If there are no polys relating to the gizmo, I presume it would just disappear.
Sounds as though you are using maya though, so not sure if this would work
zergxes: the outliner looks clean.. just the mesh and skeleton its bound to. The problem seems to be related to the meshes shape node apparently which is only in the hypergraph. one guy in the office was saying that theres the shape node which he thinks contains all the actual geom info, and the mesh which is used to edit, rotate etc? the correct materials are on the mesh, but somehow the shape node is entangled with lambert 1. Deleting the shape node deletes the mesh
Lambert1 is the default shader in Maya. Its node is hard-coded into the shading and particle engine, and its not like regular shading nodes. You can see this yourself in hypershade. Select Lambert1 and hit 'input and output connections' or >> . You'll get two nodes branching off, one is 'initialParticleSE' the other 'initialShadingGroup' while if you create another lambert all it has is 'lambert2sg'.
It has been a while since I have used Maya so no guarantees on the accuracy of those colors, but we often had the same problem with our exporter at my last job.
JeffD, it's wierd, lambert 1 shows only default connections and not to my mesh. I think I probably deleted the connection a while back when trying to fix it.. its a puzzle.
after all the stuff I've tried so far I no longer get the phantom gizmo but theres still an export error
Here is the fix> select objects in 3d view> open hypershade> input and output connections> delete connection to initial shading group.
Dang it Jeff beat me to the fix. Graph the connections to your mesh in the hypergraph and see if there are any connections to it, if you're on maya7 there is a new bug.