Ok so i had a problem, i had a mesh half started that i threw into zbrush to test how well it would sculpt. But i got carried away and spent a lot of time without going back to modo and adding more geometry. So i came up with a work around that was actually surprisingly simple to do and worked flawlessly.
This is what i started with:

This is a sub-d level 3 mesh in zbrush.
Now what i did was this:
1. Export lowest level cage from zbrush.
2. Open in modo, edge extrude out the rest of the low-res cage.
3. Delete the all of this mesh that wasnt newly modeled.
4. Sub-divide twice in modo(to match the geo of the sub-d 3 mesh in zbrush)
5. Export your highest sub-d from zbrush.
6. Import into modo and place both your newly created, sub-divided mesh and the imported zbrush mesh in the same layer.
7. Go to
http://www.indigosm.com/modoscripts.htm and grab the super weld tools script.
8. Select both edge loops and run the script. This will combine them, to get perfect results i had to delete have the mesh, run the script and then mirror because some of the the welded edges got out of order when i tried on the entire mesh.
Now you should have something like this:

9. Import this mesh into zbrush.
10. Smooth out the seam and use the reconstruck sub-d function to regain your orig cage, however many times you need to do this to go back, for me it was twice.
At which point you should have something like this, if you can't re-construct sub-d you did it wrong. Your meshflow must remain identicle to that of the orig. mesh just sub-divided for this to work.

11. ???
Sorry i dont have images for all of these steps, but i didnt end up saving meshes for a lot of it. This was done in modo 2 btw, i dont know if the script works for modo 1.
Just for you johny: http://www.johnyontehspot.com/pix/reon/1147528789061.jpg