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Urgent job help needed ASAP

polycounter lvl 18
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Luxury polycounter lvl 18
Hi all. I've got a question for you. I was just offered a position at company A. They called me on the phone and asked if I would make a verbal agreement to accept while I was still waiting on the paperwork to arrive to put it all in writing. I did.

Not a few hours later, I get a phone call completely out of the blue from company B. They really want to interview me. I tell them that I just accepted at another company, and they say that I should come anyways. They say that a verbal agreement means nothing. So I do, have an interview and it goes great. They offer me a job as well.

So now I have a dilemma. I'm still thinking over which offer to accept, but I was wondering what you all think about my verbal agreement of joining company A? I still haven't made up my mind on which company to work for, but is the verbal agreement I made a big factor? If I turn down company A, will I be burning bridges (something I don't really want to do), or just how legalily binding is it? If I did accept company B, could I get in trouble with company A?

I could use some of your expertise on such matters asap. Anyone know anything concrete about a situation like this?



  • adam
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    adam polycounter lvl 20
    You gotta worry about #1. Fuck who's feelings you hurt and go with whichever company you'd like to see your career take-off at.
  • Sean McBride
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    Sean McBride polycounter lvl 18
    a verbal agreement can't be truely proven if it came down to it... if the second job is that much better and you'd rather take that one do it. you'll only be kicking yourself later. Given its not so great to go around agreeing to deals and then breaking them later. Try to let them down nicely i say. wink.gif

    Look out for number one man. smile.gif Btw, Congrats!

    [edit] Hahahaha, beat me to it adam, but i had the exact same line. ;D
  • Striff
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    Striff polycounter lvl 18
    Verbal agreement means absolutly nothing....you just might hurt some feelings I guess.
  • lildragn
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    lildragn polycounter lvl 17
    Just be careful how you let down COmpany A, it could come back to haunt you if COmpany B isn't to your liking. Remember this is a small very close industry, peeps don't forget. Yeah do what's best for you and your career but don't just slag off COmpany A.

    COngrats and good luck!
  • McIlroy
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    McIlroy polycounter lvl 17
    Wow I can see why they both want you...very nice interface design reel man !
  • r13
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    r13 founder
    I suggest being very honest with co. a. tell them you are making a business decision, tell them you got a better offer literally hours after you spoke with them. apologize for the inconvience you're caused and leave it at that. if they cant respect that or try to give you any grief, then as they say, perhaps thats not the right spot for you anyways.

    do whats right for you, because any company is going to do the same for itself.

    also i would suggest doing it asap, dont wait for co a. to send you the paperwork. they have to find a new person to hire and they will need to start looking asap.
  • Penzer
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    Penzer polycounter lvl 17
    Unless company A and company B are really just metaphors for your girlfriend and the girl you'd rather be dating, then a verbal agreement probably isn't going to matter. I can't imagine a company trying to take any action against you when you haven't even worked there yet. I would think it would look bad on them for pursuing something like that.
  • hawken
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    hawken polycounter lvl 19
    play them off against each other until your worth reaches a limit.
  • sledgy
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    sledgy polycounter lvl 18
    Do what r13 says - he's a smartey man.

    Also do what hawken says - he's smartey too. It's a common and valid business practice to drive up your salary by having two companies bid on you - as long as you're totally honest and you don't push it too far.
  • PaK
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    PaK polycounter lvl 18
    This seems to be happening to polycounters alot this week :P

    A good studio doesn't have to worry about locking in a candidate cuz their offer sells itself.

    I was offered a job in vancoubver (company A) last year in April. I accepted the offer and then; while on vacation I was offered an interview here in California (company B). Company B made me an excellent offer; I took it and told company A 3 days before I was suppsoed to start that i would not be comming in. At company A I would have been a workhorse; company B was a no-brainer descion.

    Remember; if you have 2 studios on your line it affords you a few things:

    1- Confidence during interview with company B

    2- Balls while negotiating your salary and contract with company A or B

    3- Bragging rights

    4- free vacation to see comoany B :P

    You guys worry about things that havent happened yet. I say goto the interview and dont try and make a descion until you have a descion to make. If you have no offer from studio B then all that worrying was for nothing.

    Verbal agreements are legally binding in the USA and canada but realistically what are they gunna do? Sue you? No.
    Trust me when I say; when the tables are tuirned the door will smack your ass on the way out.

    Ultimately you have to take your best opportunity.

  • Luxury
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    Luxury polycounter lvl 18
    Well, this morning I sealed my fate. After one hell of a night weighing my options, I decided on company B. I called company A and told them that another company had offered me a job and that I was leaning towards it. She was hugely offended and brought up the fact that I had made a verbal agreement. I apologized profusely. She asked why I was going to go with the other company. I said that it was based on location (15 min instead of 30-45), more creativity in the role (both positions were the same but B had a more exciting project to me) and other intangeble factors that I really can't put my finger on. She then asked if she was to go back to the team and try to convince them to match or make a better offer, that I would reconsider. I said no. Money isn't that important to me, and even if they did offer more, I would still probably have picked B. She was taking it all very personal and was angry. I sincerely apologized and wished her and the team the best of luck. They really were very nice people and if I were to pick one strictly on first impressions of the people I met, I probably would have picked A. Don't get me wrong. If company B had never come along - I would be happy as shit at A. They make awesome games, like game of the year games.

    I then called and "verbally agreed" to take the position at company B. I probably could have played them off each other, but I'm really not like that and would feel too guilty to do it. I feel guilty enough as it is. I would celebrate on the new job, but I think I'm too nice of a guy. I just ruined some nice womans day and let a bunch of really good guys down. Sad. I'm probably also blacklisted from a very major publisher now. frown.gif

    Now I guess I'll wait by the phone for company C to call in the meantime. Thanks for the help everyone.
  • steady
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    steady polycounter lvl 18
    Haha thanks for the update Luxury, and CONGRATS!!! Dude, don't feel bad about it. You did what you thought was the right thing to do. There is nothing wrong with that. The lady should have acted more professional over the phone with you. She should have enough experience and sensibility to know that these sort of things happen, especially in a talent driven industry. I wouldn't worry about it. Go out and drink a few pints! Celebrate you deserve it! smile.gif
  • SuperOstrich
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    SuperOstrich polycounter lvl 17
    What you did in no way blacklisted you at any reputable company. Don't worry about it so much. Send the woman flowers if her reaction bothers you that much. smile.gif
  • bearkub
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    bearkub polycounter lvl 20
    Good job, man and congrats on the job.

    I'd have to echo here what people have already said. Don't worry about the response you got from the lady on the phone. You made the decision for YOU, not them. If they get hostile, it's their problem, not yours. You thought out your decision and did what you felt was right for you and that's all that really matters in the end.

    Enjoy the new job, man. =]
  • Ferg
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    Ferg polycounter lvl 18
    congrats on the job and on resolving such a deep moral dilema smile.gif
  • McIlroy
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    McIlroy polycounter lvl 17
    Don't worry about it man like the others have said . I guerentee there have been people who have applied to that company who have flew out , did art tests , interviewed and had high hopes only to find they did'nt get the job . I really doubt they felt bad about it . You went about it very professionaly smile.gif
  • oXYnary
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    oXYnary polycounter lvl 18
    The only thing that bother me in this is B said a verbal agreement means nothing ayet you have only just accepted a verbal agreement to work for them after burning your bridge at A.

    I guess get them to fax that paperwork to you asap so they can't backtrack and leave you high and dry.
  • Luxury
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    Luxury polycounter lvl 18
    haha. Good point.

    And thanks again guys. Flowers might be a bit much, but a letter is in order I think.
  • SuperOstrich
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    SuperOstrich polycounter lvl 17
    It was a joke. Don't send her a letter either. Just let it die.
  • Daz
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    Daz polycounter lvl 18
    [ QUOTE ]
    It was a joke. Don't send her a letter either. Just let it die.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Yeah, totally. If she's as pissed as you say she is, leave her be. It's a dumb thing to be pissed about. Business is business. You took the choice of the gig best for you. You did the right thing. Congrats.
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