So it's still a long way until movie day, but I'm really looking forward to this one. Philip K. Dick novel, Richard Linklater's directing it, the visuals are awesome, and this morning I found out the score is being done by Radiohead...and trendy as it is to bash Keanu, I think he does well in roles like this.
I'm not a marketing plant, yo
So is it all rotoscoped? Or some trendy procedural filter? Or mocapped cel-shaded 3d models? I'd opt for rotoscoped myself but it just seems so time consuming...
I'd assume it's the same technique used in "Waking Life" but slicker, so yeah it's probably rotoscoping. Months and months on end of artists tracing over low production footage. The results are fantastic tho.
Keanu does play some roles well, but don't forget johnny mnemonic. He was terrible in that!
Program used is called Rotoshop GET IT! rotoscope = photoshop HAHAHAHA... er...
(and I feel sorry for the people who had to trace that... sooooo boring.)
It's done by the same guy who did waking life, so I would assume ,it's still in the same style. But I have a feeling the style will stay consistant throughout the movie, rather than in waking life when midway between segments they'd obviously switched artists.
Looks like the rash of car insurance ads that have been showing; they all have that rotoscoped look for some strange reason.
definitely looking forward to this one as well. Linklater has had a long and varied directorial career at this point, and while i'm not exactly keen on seeing keanu again, so long as he's wrangled properly (such as in the first Matrix) he's fine for uh... "acting."
though producing a film like this certainly creates some oddities. apparently, there's a scene in the film where winona rider's character is topless--but she wasn't actually topless, the animators had to dream themselves up some breasts for her
do you think they had to add some extra erm "acting" to keanu, might aswell if your tracing it by hand
It is supposed to be pretty true to the original book by PKD, and I am a huge fan of his books (but I haven't read a scanner darkly yet).
edit: fuck, peris is logged in. This was me, Pea!
I don`t think Peris even likes Radiohead
it`d be cool though
and as for the movie keeping to the essence of the book..the last scene in the book can be played by no one but keanu! and winona's character is a cheapskate shoplifter. hot damn even the casting crew got it right..