I had a good weekend and thought I'd share some pics with the crowd. Every few months I take my car out to the a local race track and attend a driving school run by The Driver's Edge. This is not real racing, as we don't time our laps and there is never any 1st, 2nd or 3rd awards or the type given out. I have an instructor in the car at all times and am only on the track with others that are of a similar level of driving skill. That said, its easily the most intense fun I've have on a regular basis. I can drive better than ever before and I've avoided at least one accident by applying some of the braking techniques from the track.
June 2006June 2005October 2005The Driver's Edge
oh and after the track on sunday, i headed back to austin in time to see the
Texas Rollergirls June match as well. It was a good weekend.

Was the track an oval or road coarse?
Glad you had a good (and safe) time on the track.
Not to hijack the thread, but I guess I'll share my car experiences from this past weekend... Saw an advanced screening of pixar's Cars... coooool~... and also went to the '06 Mopar Alley Rally, got a few photos:
r13, were any of those Vettes the Z06? I'd love to get one of those out on a track. I wish GM hadn't shut down all of the tracks on the campus I worked at. I had my hands on a Z06 once, but only in a test garage
there was a pair of lingenfelter z06's too... well untill one blew its timing chain...
there was a bunch of accidents. a couple M3's died: one went off, went thru 3 wire fences and landed in fairly deep ditch that it had to be craned out of to get it. The other lost a control rod in the front steering and the wheel was set free and thru the car's fender. a miata was totaled... you can see the pic of it in the lastest round. A beginner clipped a tight corner, went off, over corrected and spun it 180 as he was going sideways and backwards back across the track and was starting to roll it onto the driver's side when they hit the tire/concrete wall.