I just registered my classes that i'm taking next semester, about 10 hours a week of biology, 4 hours of chemistry, an hour and a half of college writing and an hour and a half of western civilization. if you hadnt guessed by now, i'm going to major in science. which is weird because the school is best known for arts and music.
reminisce about college here, and maybe some tips for my first year would be help.
Sounds like a nice choice of topics, scientists with a good knowlegde of arts and history are the most well educated persons
Have fun in college!
(Oh and don't be too
Where are you going to school?
I'm not imagining it being cool, i'm more imagining lots of scene kids running around quoting napoleon dynamite and having popped collars, collegehumor.com really helped with that visualization.
not a big regret, and not really something i think you'll have problems with, but seriously, make an effort.
I'm going to SUNY Purchase.
[/ QUOTE ]
It could be worse...another few miles over and you could be in Connecticut...or Jersey. Alrighty, NY representin', East Coast mofos!
Ohh and Facebook will eat your soul if you let it. If you haven't heard of it, forget I ever said anything.
Same here, Mishra, I've probably spent a little too much time at the computer during my time in High School. If there's one thing I regret in regards to my education, it's that I didn't get involved with more clubs, go out with friends more often, etc. You should explore your college campus as soon as you are able to.
I'm going to SUNY Purchase.
[/ QUOTE ]
It could be worse...another few miles over and you could be in Connecticut...or Jersey. Alrighty, NY representin', East Coast mofos!
Ohh and Facebook will eat your soul if you let it. If you haven't heard of it, forget I ever said anything.
[/ QUOTE ]
ive already heard of facebook, all my college friends area addicted. i already have a myspace though and im hardly addicted to that.
i'm not living on campus first semester though, but i may move up there second.
I'm not much of a people person.
Oh, yeah, if your college is anything like mine, don't expect anyone to volunteer help. If you get any at all, you will have to actively seek it out. Managing all the peripheral things (forms to fill out, applications, issues w/ roommates, exercise, etc) and all of the important school issues without help from anyone was the most frustrating and difficult part of my college career.
Good luck, and don't quit, no matter what.
I had a rather unfortunate incident in college along this lines and will go ahead and share. Funding had been cut to public universities, so my school quit doing mail-in registrations. So instead, you had to go in person and register for classes. Well, they didn't send a letter announcing what day this would actually be, but instead, just noted this fact in the school paper, which I did not read. Oops. No classes.
I had a part time job making coffee and making websites, in an internet cafe. Back then (95-97) the internet was special and cost 10p a minute to use.
try to talk and make friends with the foreign students. you both can benefit.
when studying, study your ass off. learn everything you can about your subjects and yourself.
you have an entire campus library(presumably), MAKE USE OF IT! and WRITE! your intelligent, make it show on paper and in your speech.
DONT drop those classes! tough it out and do your best! (if the prof's a prick, do better!
have fun. laugh!
dorms may suck ass but some rental places can suck worse.
if you drink or smoke, do so responsibly.
leave your highschool baggage behind.
- get your name known by lending a hand whenever you can, this makes friends quickly with both teachers and fellow students
- get involved, which it sounds like you're already looking into (the clubs and such)
- have fun
Sounds mindlessly generic, but never forget you're going there to better yourself and your chances in the outside world.
After college it's 40-some years of working so enjoy the last few years of irresponsibility
But then again this is from somebody that lives in a country where college is pretty much free so there were no financial downsides of spending 6 years on a 4 year program.
Hell yes it is. I spent ten years in college, majoring in Avoiding The Real World. Having now graduated into said real world, I can confirm that college was much more enjoyable.
Find the beer and drink it.
Find a hottie and screw her.
.... and repeat
talk to people, go to parties, have fun. if you're shy work on it by just saying 'hi' to any woman/person you see. Talk to people in you class, dont be a douche rocket.
college is fun, you should have a great time and learn quite a bit. Just dont get too caught up in your books.