Hey, just blowing off some major steam. Ignore this if ya want.
My computer was down to 1% hard disk space, so I figured it was high time for a reformat. Done it many times and never with a problem, this time everything went to shit. I backed up everything important (A fair amount) on my external Hard Drive, and formatted the thing. Apparently you had to unplug an external drive in order to format, because it cleared out everything on both drives. So I lost EVERYTHING I had, and now my computer is giving me some retarded error about not being able to find windows, so I basically can't install it.
And just to salt the wound it all of course had to happen at the end of my school term.
So yea, I've now lost all the 3d work I've done anywhere but at school in the past 2 months, all digital work, 10 gigs of music, a whack load of important emails, a shit load of documentation (Scripts, Design Documents, the whole shabang) and a shit load more.
In closing, FUCK!!!!
I think you had to have hit the wrong key or something, when you formated. I don't recall there being a 'format all' option. You have to actually select the partitions to format. If your external and main drive were named the same thing, that would also cause problems.
No idea what happened, but my guess it was user error
I always put the most important shit on CDs too as an extra backup...
Vassago, it must have been in some way, however it was nothing so simple as hit the wrong key. To format I typed in "Format C: /FS:NTFS". Not much mistaking the drive. (My external was set to G).
Ahh well thanks for the sympathy guys.
You also multi partition your drives? That helped whenmy last hardrive went down. I didnt loose everything because it was spread all over different partitions.
KDR, yea, I realize that now.
Oxy,trhat's a damn good idea with the partitioning, I think I'll do it now. Thanks for bringing it up. Didn't have it set like that this time though.
shit happens, but formatting is not as serious as people make out - the data is still there.
And yea, Ruz, same deal here. Even though I really don't have any of good work done (The best I have done is the little demon for the contest, and it perdy much sucked too), it's still nice to have. Though there was other non-art important stuff I lost. :P
So Tulkamir, stop using that drive until you run some recovery software. The more you use it, the more new data will overwrite your old data.
He used format, not format /q. A quick format will just wipe the file system and leave the data there, a full format zeros the entire drive.
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nah, recovery software can get even that back. Majic!
Any idea of where I can find this software and what ones are good?
He used format, not format /q. A quick format will just wipe the file system and leave the data there, a full format zeros the entire drive.
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nah, recovery software can get even that back. Majic!
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Well, most of it won't be recoverable. You know all those bits that were once 1s and 0s? They are ALL 0s now, so it's blanked out. Sometimes, you can recover bits and pieces, but if it just did a quick format, it basically tells the partition "Hey, when you write some shit, write it over this old stuff", and you can still recover it, as long as it hasn't been written over already.
Typically, the programs for it are expensive, and you'll get the best luck taking the HDD, and slaving it on another comp to run the program. If you REALLY need the data, you can send it into data recovery companies, who will get ALL of your junk back, but it's pretty costly.
Hmm.... can you explain that in full or link me KDR? That sounds like it could be good.
I looked into the recovery software/houses, asked my school tech about it, he said I'd be looking at thousands, and my crap ass models just aren't worth that much to me, so if this unformat doesn't go I'm hoopered it looks like.
Thanks a lot guys, you've been awesome.
So yea, things have managed to work out, thanks again everyone.
from zero to hero!
...and a shit load more.
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AKA Porn, which is why he is really upset. hahaha