I choosed Mr.Monopoly but in my oppinion His structure is too many ordinary so I did some sketch about Godfather Monopoly

Footnote:in same time I want to finish my
Demon model and I must work my final english exams..I dont know how can I do This but I gonna try..
Good luck with whatever incarnation you decide on, hope you can fit it in with all your other work
ebagg:I think as concept big hat looking nice but I can change if it wont match 3d..
SuperOstrich:He can kill anyone for bad throw Dice..
Sectaurs:mr.monopoly in the Newyork back streets,GANGS OF NEW YORK is One of my favorite films.
ComradeJ :You are right.I'll try white (What a rhyme
And this is my first shoot of my Mr monopoly.
I'll change his hands and add foot and shoes.I am modelling now,His stick and gun..
(Meantime I did some modification on my demon model but I am gonna show soon,now I must work english
Thnom:I agree with you.need more cylindrical..
I must Work my exams but I can't focus on.When I look books I saw some new character shapes.I think game art,kind of obsessive illnesses..
I began texturing and still paint occasionally.
I forgot it,here is my final pose.