I remember this game when I was a kid, it was like a weird version of dont break the ice with the marbles, but with penguins,
Most likely gonna sketch my own guy based off one of these little buggers.
And just for a added bonus, I might toss in a old family favorite

I have the sketch I have to upload, but I decided to alter the designs a bit.....
I dont think penguins being on top of a unstable iceberg glacier would be smiling if you catch my drift
Hehe, cool. So, are you going to make an iceberg to come with that?
[/ QUOTE ]
I was thinking either the ice burg, or having his handy dandy pal, Mr. Uno Card
This is the result of one of these poor penguins after someone loses a game of penguin pile up!
Gonna do some more details upcoming
HAHAH, im gonna fix that really quick!
Oh yea thats racist uno If you really wanna know (Long long story/inside joke)
heres a test video I did of him animated with mr.uno
His biped was a bit tough, But I think I got it for the most part.