#m_d quote:
<bearkub> so uh...
<bearkub> what do you think of the new Roger Waters album?
[pestibug] sooo..
[pestibug] omg what?!??!
[pestibug] I must GET IT!!!!!
<bearkub> you DID know, yes?
[pestibug] no!
<bearkub> On An Island
[pestibug] spank me

[pestibug] dude!
<bearkub> and it SEXES ME.
[pestibug] david gilmour!
<bearkub> er..
[pestibug] LOL
<bearkub> that's what I said..
[pestibug] WBAHAHAHAAHA]\
[pestibug] LIES!!!
[pestibug] I log this
<bearkub> what the hell is my problem?
<bearkub> you log NOTHING AND LIKE IT
<bearkub> man, I feel like a fucking tool.
[pestibug] this goes on to pc!
[pestibug] RIGHT NOW!
Oh yeah, Dave can actually still sing xD
and Roger went INSANE.
Lyrics were always Roger's strength, but on an Island the lyrics aren't crap like on momentary lapse of talent
HAHAHA something has just made me an extremely happy guy ..
A little set up first:
So if you havent checked her out yet you have to experience Leslie & the Ly's
be sure to check out this video in particlular:
I'm a proud owner of her album Gold Pants!!
Well anyway, back to my recent euphoria, here at Iron lore we've really been enjoying the lyrical genius which is Average Homeboy Denny Blaze:
Now what could top that?! How about a collaboration!!!!!!!!
- BoBo