Been working on this for too long. Did the masks for my character on back to back days. Working on the muscle deformation system right now. Hopefully have it and the clothes finished up shortly after the holiday.
CheapAlert: Thanks for the comp. I still have to do the clothing (he's a bit naked right now)
LordScottish: I'm not much of a story teller, but here it goes. The character suffers from Schizophrenia and MPD (multipe personality dissorder or dissociative identity dissorder) having two pesonalities which he personifies with the masks he wears. He is not physically violent accept towards himself and inanimate objects. His mental illness is so advanced that it allows him an inhuman amount of charisma to the point that he can actually project his own dillusions into the minds of others. He uses this ability to put on shows for people. It would look like pantomime for anyone with severe mental retardation (IQ levels of 20-35). The animation I am working on currently is a prologue to when he joins the circus.
LordScottish: I'm not much of a story teller, but here it goes. The character suffers from Schizophrenia and MPD (multipe personality dissorder or dissociative identity dissorder) having two pesonalities which he personifies with the masks he wears. He is not physically violent accept towards himself and inanimate objects. His mental illness is so advanced that it allows him an inhuman amount of charisma to the point that he can actually project his own dillusions into the minds of others. He uses this ability to put on shows for people. It would look like pantomime for anyone with severe mental retardation (IQ levels of 20-35). The animation I am working on currently is a prologue to when he joins the circus.