Well, usually it's some annoying pop tartlet who wins the Eurovision, and I never watch it...
But I caught these guys on the TV, Finnish metal rockers called "Lordi" ... all in monster suits and platform shoes.
The lead singer had mechanical devil wings, red eyes AND AN AXE THAT SHOOTS FIRE! He looked like something out of Warhammer...
The song wasn't very good, and the singer isn't all that great, but it was so hilarious and looked so awesome that they couldn't fail!

And Rooster provided me to a YouTube video of their "Hard Rock Hallelujah" music video -
It's hilarious!
Can be seen in action here:
*edit* omg the UK entry is from Daz, what a chav name, and a truly appalling act.
And yes, the UK performance was truly terrible.
Anyone happened to see the "semi-final" qualification round? I did for some reason and that was pretty weird. It was like the eurovision special olympics. that must have been some of the worst songs ibe heard in my whole life lol. All that was missing was that simon guy from american idol and it would have been complete
i dunno why england doesnt come up with shit like this (except for the fact that ALL hair metal has roots in scandenavia... i mean... the final countdown?)
i love it >;D
Never heard of this contest before, but I actually like that song.
The clip of the UK guy was pretty horrendous. But then I hate hip hop and pop, and it sounded like the evil result of a union of the two, so I'm bound to disagree with it.
Tulkamir: the contest has been going since before most of us were born, but its a good thing you've never heard of it.
Anything with zombie demon cheerleaders is amazing by default.
You're a Gwar ripoff!
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God dammit - I guess I am!
Tulkamir: the contest has been going since before most of us were born, but its a good thing you've never heard of it.
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Wow, I'm so not up with pop culture. :P
Is it similar to a star search or idol show or something?
Basically every country in Europe (and some that aren't!? Since when is Israel in Europe?) holds a contest to determine one band, singer or group to represent their whole country in the international contest.
Then all the countries come together in a venue and watch each others' acts ... at the end every country votes for every other country, the votes are added and the winners decided in that fashion.
The winning group's home country becomes next year's host of the next contest. So Eurovision 2007 will be held in Finland.
I think that's a grey zone since Europe and Asia aren't separated by water.
The contest entrants can be big names or unknown groups. Big names usually pull in votes just from their name alone, the unknown ones use it as free publicity (and get lots of it). AFAIK the contest rules require that you have to make a new song for it.
And nice link Slum.
She called our girls sluts
Bet she hasnt been to Amsterdam yet hehe