Yeah, it's a getting a little crazy when you load up a thread and you see like all these avys of this poor confused man, and it's even weirder when they're not all going in unison and it's like watching a crowd of confused clones.
OMG Verm, you are asking WHO GUY GOMA IS?! Have you no SHAME?
Btw, I know it's getting old very fast, but I just got in from the pub and looked at a few threads, and saw him there in unison in his multitudes, and I am finding it highly amusing indeed!
This type is so fresh! I wish to receive that everyone could be also lucky like the hime, in order at the television. We would prevail the world today.
Sure, all of you trendwhores are cool now. But, I'm watching carefully to see who will be the last person to switch to another avatar after the joke gets tired. That person will be so UNCOOL!
Unless it's Daz, cause he did it first.
Or if everyone keeps them forever, then I'll just cry.
doc: I'd be happy to see it die the instant I see an entire thread with 100% Guy Goma avatars. When that happens my life will be complete and If I get hit by a bus tomorrow I'll be content that it all would have meant something.
You guys act as if this was a practical joke played on him. I wonder if he knows his face is being posted all over the internet.
[/ QUOTE ]
Like he's complaining! A possibly broke and certainly unemployed average joe on wednesday, friday night appearing on The Jonothan Ross show! (and it wouldn't have been for free). The fact of the matter is that he wouldn't have become famous overnight if it wasn't for the internet, and that I find pretty fascinating.
doc: I'd be happy to see it die the instant I see an entire thread with 100% Guy Goma avatars. When that happens my life will be complete and If I get hit by a bus tomorrow I'll be content that it all would have meant something.
[/ QUOTE ]
The fact of the matter is that he wouldn't have become famous overnight if it wasn't for the internet, and that I find pretty fascinating.
[/ QUOTE ]
This is very true and I find it interesting too, the internet has huge sway over pop culture these days it seems, there was a track recently that got to number 1 in the singles chart from online downloads alone before it was even released in stores, plus there's bands like the Arctic Monkeys getting famous because they have a big online fan base even if the regular joe on the street hadn't heard of them (until recently).
If you wanna get famous, doing something stupid/funny and having it displayed on the internet is certainly the way to go about it. It's probably the most temporary kind of fame though, internet fads change in an eyeblink.
plus you can triple-post and no-one will bat an eyelid!
I bet somebody somewhere right now is already making the T-shirt, and If they're not, they should be. The slogan will be something about data cleansing no doubt. I see someone has already registered
The original story is almost irrelevant now. I just find it bizarre and interesting to watch it spiral. Instant, completely unwarranted fame is a truly modern phenomenon. (and damn you doc for tainting the avatar purity of this thread! )
the thing is, the ingredients for this sort of thing are all over the place, but its just that special and rare combination that makes it click. If it wasnt for the fantastic reaction and his frantic bluffing it would be just another 'haha yeah that was funny, ok next..' deal
im with ramucho on that one
wouldnt it be funny if Daz pulled a fast one and replaced guy.gif with something like "HI IM STOOPID" or something worse...
You guys are all bastards. I actually have to move my eyes ALL THE WAY TO THE LEFT OF THE MONITOR to read the names of people posting, this is some bullshit right here. I had most people all but memorized simply from thier avatar alone and you had to go fuck it up.
Btw, I know it's getting old very fast, but I just got in from the pub and looked at a few threads, and saw him there in unison in his multitudes, and I am finding it highly amusing indeed!
you can only post in this thread if you love Guy enough to have him as your avatar
i just did it too be cool
[/ QUOTE ]
Me too!
Though I'm still waiting for the working part...
This summers national craze: Guy Goma.
Then whenever something new happens he'd be like "I... did not expect this breaking news... to come on me!"
i just did it too be cool
[/ QUOTE ]
Me too!
Though I'm still waiting for the working part...
[/ QUOTE ]
So did I, and everyone's been ignoring me.
He should totally have a job in newsreading.
Then whenever something new happens he'd be like "I... did not expect this breaking news... to come on me!"
[/ QUOTE ]
Guy Goma!
Class act
For UK peeps the show gets repeated on Sunday I think.
Unless it's Daz, cause he did it first.
Or if everyone keeps them forever, then I'll just cry.
He just appeared at the very begging of "Friday Night with Jonathon Ross" just now, the crowd was cheering like mad.
Class act
For UK peeps the show gets repeated on Sunday I think.
[/ QUOTE ]
dammit I wanna see that!
You guys act as if this was a practical joke played on him. I wonder if he knows his face is being posted all over the internet.
[/ QUOTE ]
Like he's complaining! A possibly broke and certainly unemployed average joe on wednesday, friday night appearing on The Jonothan Ross show! (and it wouldn't have been for free). The fact of the matter is that he wouldn't have become famous overnight if it wasn't for the internet, and that I find pretty fascinating.
doc: I'd be happy to see it die the instant I see an entire thread with 100% Guy Goma avatars. When that happens my life will be complete and If I get hit by a bus tomorrow I'll be content that it all would have meant something.
[/ QUOTE ]
The fact of the matter is that he wouldn't have become famous overnight if it wasn't for the internet, and that I find pretty fascinating.
[/ QUOTE ]
This is very true and I find it interesting too, the internet has huge sway over pop culture these days it seems, there was a track recently that got to number 1 in the singles chart from online downloads alone before it was even released in stores, plus there's bands like the Arctic Monkeys getting famous because they have a big online fan base even if the regular joe on the street hadn't heard of them (until recently).
If you wanna get famous, doing something stupid/funny and having it displayed on the internet is certainly the way to go about it. It's probably the most temporary kind of fame though, internet fads change in an eyeblink.
plus you can triple-post and no-one will bat an eyelid!
[/ QUOTE ]
hehe good observation rooster
come on man no-one is making fun of him in that way, we just think he's awesome!
[/ QUOTE ]
Indeed he is, his reaction is just priceless. I hope he gets a nice job with that i bet he gona be good at it, what ever it may be. Go Guy Goma !
Go Guy Goma !
[/ QUOTE ]
I bet somebody somewhere right now is already making the T-shirt, and If they're not, they should be. The slogan will be something about data cleansing no doubt. I see someone has already registered
The original story is almost irrelevant now. I just find it bizarre and interesting to watch it spiral. Instant, completely unwarranted fame is a truly modern phenomenon. (and damn you doc for tainting the avatar purity of this thread!
Damn you! Damn yooou!
[edit]I just got snaked by Ferg.
I bet somebody somewhere right now is already making the T-shirt
[/ QUOTE ]
yep and it looks like this
wouldnt it be funny if Daz pulled a fast one and replaced guy.gif with something like "HI IM STOOPID" or something worse...
wouldnt it be funny if Daz pulled a fast one and replaced guy.gif with something like "HI IM STOOPID" or something worse...
[/ QUOTE ]
LOL, to do such a thing would be totally fucking outrageous steady! A complete abuse of power, honestly.
wouldnt it be funny if Daz pulled a fast one and replaced guy.gif with something like "HI IM STOOPID" or something worse...
[/ QUOTE ]
LOL, to do such a thing would be totally fucking outrageous steady! A complete abuse of power, honestly.
[/ QUOTE ]
In other words, he just hasn't thought of anything offensive enough yet to fuck you poor bastards over with.
Good work Daz!