Polycount is one of the reasons I made it into the game industry. I am self taught and it was the info I found here on techniques and the crits I recieved on my work that helped make it possible for me to land my first job in the industry. I value all of your opinions and look to
manyof you for inspiration and guidance. This is why I would like to connect with any of you who use LinkedIn. My email address is bryan [at] bryansilva [dot] com. If you would like to connect please list your email address here and I'll sent you an invitation to connect. If you are already a LinkedIn member and dont want to post your email address, just invite me.
For those of you who dont know what LinkedIn is, read about it here:
I hope to connect with you soon.
Have already some very nice contacts (well around some corners
mine is:paddi.schindler@freenet.de
edit: well... i recognized that I have you already in my Contacts Jeff
[edit]Nevermind, I'm a dumbass and asked before I looked properly. My email is mitch@memlane.com, would appreciate anyone who adds me/allows me to add them.
I should collect more contacts on linked in.. but I forget to... its kinda like Pokemon.
docrob10 -at- yahoo.com
sweet, now I can level up.
Just started an account. Like this idea a lot
oxynary [at] hotmail [dot] com
or lee [at] lee3dee.com
my profile: http://www.linkedin.com/pub/0/613/111 (i should really update it though)
bram.eulaers AHT gmail.com
critchie at ea dawt com (send your polycount username in the email as well so I know who you are...)
dasquidgee -at- hotmail -dot- com
I don't really understand what I'm signing up for, but everyones doing it, so it must be cool...
...and now I think I might have spammed a whole bunch of people unnecessarily. Sorry to the 6 people who got that.
I would only connect with those I could vouch for in one way or another, those I would know enough about that I could recommend them to others.