Hey, long time no see. I'm busier than ever being unemployed...
Anyways, since I have some time to kill, I'm finishing up some personal projects and starting some new ones.
My most challenging project so far has to be this...
Human faces has always scared the living bejebus out of me, but I figured it was time to grab the bull by the horn and do something other than monsters and mechanical objects.
Hence, I decided to model my wife.
The plan is to make an all quad low detail basemesh (just about finished with that, so far all quads) and take it in to zbrush for detailing and texturing.
Still haven't decided how to go about pesky things like hair.. This is just a placeholder so I won't have to display her in all her bald glory
Anyways, comments and crits greatly appreciated, but shaders, textures and the hair is just placeholders.
Let me know if there's any interest in more wireshots.
Unfortunately she won't allow me to display the reference pictures, and since I want to keep her a happy little girl, I'll comply.
Care to expand on the bad loops? Exactly the kind of crits I need before I Zbrush her.
Kinda hard to crit the model without seeing her pics!
Got approval to show a photograph of her,
Things done since last post:
Added eyelids, worked on equalising the topology (thanks EQ)
Reworked the nose somewhat after an extensive crit from Poop, it looks sharper now. I'm having issues with the density and flow aroudn the nose though, not managing getting the subtle variations in sharpness that her nose presents.
Still not worth uploading a picture though, I'll try to have an update by the endof today though.
I'm contemplating reworking the edgeflow (or lack thereof) on the neck. It's kind of a bitch though, so I might do a test to see if I get acceptable results in Zbrush with the mesh as it is now.
Here's the pic that I was allowed to show:
Anyways, here's the update for today. Don't know if I'll have the time to do anything more today; haven't equalised the wire, and decided not to rewire the neck topology, just move it to something that resembled the neck musculature in a more appropriate way.
Wire hasn't changed much, so I'm only attaching a clay.
her nose looks a bit narrow up towards the bridge area and down the slope. It also seems that the nose points up a tad more than hers actually does.
The hairline on the model seems to be a bit lower down on the forhead than is shown in the picture. It is also making the size of her forhead look off.
She also has a very featured, full of character lips and mouth area that it doesn't seem like you have really brought out in the model. nothing really specific I can point out. Sorry about that.
This is looking really good, keep working! =D
Anyway. Go go, work your ass off. Its a fight for your life now
Here are the things i see.
The ear lobe is diffrent on the model, her ear is thiker and has a shrper edge on the bottom where it come in. Also the slope going to the ear is more subtile.
The eye crease and fold needs some good lovin too as she has very soft skin details.
The cheaks need some work to give her that volume that she has but again its a very soft detail.
The tip of the nose is a little off in its shape, it has a very more angles to it. The lips and the dimple need to have a harder edge.
The dimple at the end of her mouth is a bit bigger and has a longer fade to it. With that the slight push out of her cheak.
Lastly would be her chin is not wide enough. the way you have it now kills the flow of her jaw line.
Hope you didnt mind my crit.
one last thing, the brow of her nose is a bit thin and her tear ducts need to come back in a good ways too.
Thegodzero: I don't mind a single bit. That's a sexcellent crit. Makes it so much easier to follow. I can't thank you enough!
eyes - too small
upper lip - no crease where skin texture changes to lip, also middle of lip dips down to much at the top, on the photo the top of the lip is very horizontal.
might be better to post the model in the same angle as the photo for better crits. I can see some difference in the innner ear and the top of the ear where it meets the head, although it's hard to tell from this angle.
Here's the latest update; lots of crits to keep track of, haven't implemented them all (still quite a bit to go).
The smirk she has in the photo changes the shape of her lips somewhat, I've since photographed a bunch of perspective references, and worked solely from them (the ortho ones made the mesh distorted), it's progressing quite well I think.
Stuff left to do:
Whole ear region, smoothen the artifact at the top lip (the corner), sharpen the dimple at the middle of the top-lip (dunno the name of that), some proportion changes,probably lots more.
I tried doing a quick zbrush pass on her, but she came out looking like michael jackson. The lack of perspective when working is really killing that software for me
note the ear, jaw, and chin.
Thanks for the paintover.
I didn't use it directly, but matching the jawline to a photo turned out to match your paintover almost exactly. Nicely done
Still need to smoothen the transition of the ear, and I bet a million other things.
I'm at revision 95 now though, I put a limit to 100 revisions. After that it's just gonna have to be enough.
thanks fellas
Great stuff man!
Here's a test with some rushed shaders (no detail in the colormap, no bump, and the SSS needs tweaking for sure).
Just couldn't stand watching the clay anymore...
It needs something better than a plain cylinder UV also
Btw she is pretty.
Other than that, I'm still thinking the bridge of the nose might need to be a bit wider. Something about the relation of the size of the bridge to the tip seems different in the photo. Maybe model's tip should be smaller, or bridge wider?
Wifey says thanks once again for the compliments. She's very flattered.
I've got quite a few of small adjustments left on the overall model, but my eyes needed some rest form that, so I decided to do boring stuff like modelling eyelashes.
I'mrelatively satisfied with the eyes now, some work left on the lower eyelashes, and the makeup is just... meh.
hey Lokust!
I've been looking for you high and low. I think we share a mutual buddy, Chopsticks... know him?
Would be nice to chat over MSN or something, send me a PM if it sounds interesting.
You should post a render of your wife model with your Kraing material haha I bet she'd love it
I've had an idea to use Zbrush for what it's really meant for... bumpy monsters. I kind of liked the design of the vampires in Buffy, so I figured I'd make her one of those.
As for the technique:
First make a spline copy placed correctly on the eyelids (you can convert a set of edges to a spline).
Then copy this with an offset, creating a nice bend.
Then subdivide this line countless times with snap to midpoint.
Make splines running in the direction of the eyelashes now, snapping to the vertices of the guidesplines.
Change the mid vertice of the eyelash splines to smooth,
jumble the positions, convert to e-poly, collapse the end of each spline (so you get a cone), move them around even more,
put a gradient ramp in the opacity slot...
That's pretty much it.
It's very tedious.
I need to finish it like tomorrow... going jobhunting far from home