Makers of Omikron and Fahrenheit have a new one.
Check out the video too. Pretty unique.

In the video from their website, the character falls into that uncanny valley. She looks real enough, but her facial movements are hit and miss soemtimes. Sometimes its REALLY good, and others its like.. Why did she just open her eyes so wide, dude that creeped me out!
However, I love QD, and many props for going after emotional acting in video games. Gotta love the realtime tears! Maybe they will polish up the awkward expressions to make it more convincing.
The game runs, but fog in first person is glitched and you cant see anything in the last few first person sequences. My left nut for a patch that will allow it to run on modern systems. Or if I could find the dreamcast version.. sigh..
Back on the subject of Heavy Rain, is there anywhere that actually explains any info about this game?
But then stuff gets better and she starts showing her upper teeth less and less (which made her almost hateful in the first part) and the screenplay gets more intense.
Another thing I didn't liked was how rigid the arm movements were which showed a lack of attention to the screenplay, but here too things gets a little bit better in the end.
Maybe they tried to simulate a real casting and making the actress takes more confidence gradualy as she goes on with the script, but that upper-teeth stuff and the bad dubbing (quite emotionless) makes her sound and look a little dumb.
But still it's a great technical achievment.
just my 2cents