thanks for the heads up cheapy! while the boss wasn't lookin, did a bit more
why havent you entered yet?! this contest should be easy like pie for you (demons are pretty similar to gargs, doi)
Hmm maybe you sacrifice the details in the forearm? Otherwise no comment, keep it up. Hmm looking at yours and others tell me something about me horn......
Looking good man. I think you could weld the edges on the tops of his toe joints so they are 3 sided instead of four and get some more polys. Also your arms look 6 sided? I'd make them five and get more head and wing definition with the polys you saved. Either way it's coming along.
ok i have no clue what im doing but this is all a good and fun learning experience, just messing around right now
shout outs to poop, gwot, and rube-boob
So before I brought him into zbrush, I attached all the parts together and selected all the verts and welded, and then he magically became 966 polys, so I will go back and add more detail, i'll give him some bones at the top of his wings, maybe more face or leg details
zbrush is so cool!
Ok finally added some top bones for his wings, and spent a few extras on teeth and wing spikes, now to unwrap this bad boy...
I foresee myself begging for an extended deadline... not enough time in the day to do everything!!
jeez, at 978 already?! I'll see what I can do to fit a tail in somehow...
thanks for the heads up cheapy! while the boss wasn't lookin, did a bit more
why havent you entered yet?! this contest should be easy like pie for you (demons are pretty similar to gargs, doi)
sacrificed the big horns for a tail on the back
still need to attach his arms and legs and fix the feet and butt, maybe ears or teeth or a tongue
i was stuck at 1025 for the longest time... decided to weld together two verts at the start of his tail
shout outs to poop, gwot, and rube-boob
So before I brought him into zbrush, I attached all the parts together and selected all the verts and welded, and then he magically became 966 polys, so I will go back and add more detail, i'll give him some bones at the top of his wings, maybe more face or leg details
zbrush is so cool!
I foresee myself begging for an extended deadline... not enough time in the day to do everything!!
And yea, I'll need an extention as well I think.