seems this happened today or yesterday. the info is from an ex-coworker's friend who worked there (
blog site).
this must have been the largest dev studio in the german speaking countries so it's pretty sad for the biz around here. apparently they had like 100 employees. i'd say it's by far the biggest sinking local ship since my ex-employer westka went down four years ago. how are one hundred people supposed to find new jobs in this small industry? better to get one of those greencards, it seems...
That pisses me off to no end. Screw you Take two, screw you in the butt with a pool stick.
That pisses me off to no end. Screw you Take two, screw you in the butt with a pool stick.
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lol, tell us how you really feel
(I agree though)
Man didn't Shimmer just recently get a job there? In the past 3 month or so..
[/ QUOTE ]
Yes he did...
I think this is a bad omen for the european game industry!
As far as I am aware, they did very good ports of games, but the studio lacked direction on the games they were trying to develop themselves.. this is what I heard from an ex employee today on a different forum.
Shame for everyone who worked there
Fat Lawyers sitting there dismissing the people in groups of 5 and a boss that could do nothing but pass on the bad news.
Very emotional funeral.
Shimmer has lost his job, yes, after 4 months but it doesn't throw him of track as bad as a large part of the team and he has time to get the flat into shape.
I come to the buisness park where R*V is located. I go to the supermarket, fetch my breakfest and stand in line of the cash and while waiting I see this crowd of people from the studio sitting there, drinkin beer. I think to myself "Ooookey, Wolfgang (our beloved senior programmer) is going, earlier then expected, but hey." I walk to them. Some are happy some are hevaly upset and I think "W-T-F". I was heading to the office while our producer was walking in front of me. We get into the elevator and he says "Oh, did you already hear it?" "No, what?" "We are closing" "Your kidding me" "No". Elevator stops we are at the front of the office. Our Keys disabled, Security securing the doors and try to prevent data theft. We get a handout:
Subject: Closing of Rockstar Vienna
Ok, wow. I think to myself "That´s it. But hey, thats a good way to start the industry, isnt it? It was a nice guest performance"
Ok so we were let in in groups of 5 and had a talk with our chef and finace manager, both 14 year veterans and founders of neo, then R*V. they were standin in the middle of the room. Two lawyers sitting at a table, watching our chefs tell 107 workers that the company is closed, for no special reason.
the whole office shut down and we had to use the backdoor to get out.
For me, I worked there for 4 months, still I liked to work there. The people were nice the general climate was extraordinary. But I am young and flexible anyway. I try to see this event as a chance to go study or do something nice with my life, like learning painting with oils
What pisses me off is the following:
One programmer, just had a newborn and wanted to start a family.
Our concept artist, came back from Sweden where he told his parents-in-law that he will marry their daughter. He just came back yesterday and break into tears cause he loved this project.
Our senior artis, worked for 6 years in the company. He will start as a real rockstar on the guitar.
Our animator is in Vietnam, I hope sombody called him.
3 people are newlyweds and just relocated to a better (and more expensive ) flat.
My junior fellow, is a dumbass. Consequently he wants to build a space shuttle.
Senior Level Artist, he is celebrating his third closing.
A Programmer, hit the fifth closing.
The guys who relocated, need to stay here since the flats have a one year contract in which you cant liquidate your flat.
107 people lost their job. some have family or roots here to stay. And in austria, there is NOTHING. If you want to work in this industry, you need to relocate.
Overall, shit happens. I am very lucky to be young and talented and didnt burn down the bridges to my outsourcing studio of choice.
And yeah, I can get the flat into shape finally
Its lame and it sucks
It is one thing to close down a studio... but doing it in such a bad way really makes it even worse
take it as a warning, kids
As problematic as it may be, the time for the consideration of a union or similar set up may be getting closer. We really can't afford to sit back and let this happen.
Left: Fukari Alexander, an ex-work collegue, Senior 3d Artist, 3 Months at R*, I´ll be seeing him soon again
Middle: Cronin Mark, Senior Levelartist, 1 1/2 years at R*, 3rd closeing in his career, finally going to persue his passion for gardening
Right: Viranyi Stephan, Junior 3d Artist, 4 months at R*, baffeld, desperatly searching for love.
Marcus Dublin
So good luck all you rockstars, you rock anyway !
[/ QUOTE ]Or something... I dunno. Business isn't my strong point. Surely theres a way that we can get around this complete lack of respect from publishers.
Anyway, deepest condolences to the Vienna boys and best of luck in finding new and better ventures.
As I said, I really don't know anything about the complex workings of business, but the system we've currently got really does need to change.
..out of words...but its life...hard...
Hopefully another studio can be started up in the area, and a bunch of folks can get industry jobs again.