A really rough and quickly done concept. (Working from the idea that every demon is a fallen angel).
Yea, dunno if I'll get it done forsure, but hopefully I will.
[edit]Oh, and critiques would be great, though I do plan on doing some cleaner references I'd love to hear some. (And yes, I realize he has 4 toes on one foot and 5 on the other. I failed my preschool math class, ok?[/edit]
If he's wearing a diaper, I'd add a cut in the stretched polys of his upper-ass, to give the demonic diaper the definition it deserves. If he's bare-assed, I'd still add one there but use it to round it out. The extra 6 triangles would really help his silhouette.
Might want to adjust his posture, as well. His ram-rod straight spine really kills what character he could have.
And I was planning on adjusting the posture using his rigging, is it usually better to model them in a certain posture instead?
Thanks very much.
What in the hell does that mean? And how do I fix it?
Flippin maya. :S
[edit]Nevermind. Sorry, another idiocy on my part. Just had to delete the history.[/edit]
What do you all think? Critiques would be great.
I like the veins you've done all over. They give him a very creepy feel.
Thanks for the critique and reply man.
Sorry, just a bit unclear on this all.
Also, an update. Some more critiques would be absolutly great. I could use em. :P