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Nintendo Conference

polycounter lvl 18
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Tulkamir polycounter lvl 18
So what's everyone think?

Controller looked like it worked fairly well for most things. I don't think it looked as good as what the expectations were, but some of it's uses seemed cool.

Graphics were... bad.

Game list looked decent but unappealing to me.

However, I'd still say I was fairly impressed. Not overly, but it was deffinatly fairly good.


  • Xenobond
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    Xenobond polycounter lvl 18
    Well, since I like to play games, I'm definitly excited. And as an artist, I can appreciate the looks without judging it based on how big the textures are, how many polys there are, and how accurate their depth of field blur is. All the Wii games looked fun to play.
  • Joshua Stubbles
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    Joshua Stubbles polycounter lvl 19
    I think it was like Sony's - average.
    Some amazing games (Red Steel, Mario Galaxy, Zelda) and a bunch of mediocre stuff. The tiny glimpse of what looked like Pilotwings was interesting. If anything, the Wii will make for a good party game system. Thing is, I usually play with freinds online, not at my house. Oh well. Still looking forward to the back catalog.
    Maybe they will have some great titles later on.
  • KDR_11k
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    KDR_11k polycounter lvl 18
    Looks like all the people who were afraid they'd actually have to move their lardy asses to use the Wii can sigh in relief. Did you see how fat the three candidates were? Holy mother of god jumping up and down in a sidecar with a chocolate jimmy...

    I hate this "let's remove the power button and only give it standby" trend. Fuck that. If I wanted the system to remain on I wouldn't push the power button. I'll just pull the plug, just like I have to do with Sony's PoS2.
  • Joshua Stubbles
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    Joshua Stubbles polycounter lvl 19
    KDR - you overstate things to an extreme.
    I'm not afraid of moving to play a game. I just don't want to do that for EVERY GAME I PLAY. For stuff like Zelda or Red Steel, it looked great. But if I want to play Virtual Tennis or something, I might not be in the mood to get up and swing around. It's cool that you can - it's a GREAT party game principal. But if they require that feature to be used in every single game, I think that's bad.
  • Tulkamir
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    Tulkamir polycounter lvl 18
    I'd still prefer to go and play tennis. You know... outside. On a tennis court... Yea...
  • Wells
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    Wells polycounter lvl 18
    [ QUOTE ]
    I'd still prefer to go and play tennis. You know... outside. On a tennis court... Yea...

    [/ QUOTE ]

    like... in the sun? *shudder*
  • Bort
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    Bort polycounter lvl 18
    Nintendo won my money with the first 5-10 mins. After that there did seem to be a stench of not many games, but the 27 playable games on the floor is a lot.

    I'm glad they are combining golf/tennis/baseball into one game instead of screwing people for the £$.
    There are more games I will get second hand on the cheap than buying at full price but A+++ for feeding me what I wanted. This will be the first console that I'll buy 4 controllers instead on the normal 1 or 2. I want people to play with my Wii.
  • Kristian
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    Kristian polycounter lvl 18
    i'm buying their console because it looks fun to play.
  • arshlevon
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    arshlevon polycounter lvl 18
    yeah they beat sony out in just the intro, they should of never let iwata get up there and drone on an on in engrish, and somthing they didnt go over, the classic control!!!! SNES anyone??


    this image is real, you find it by digging around on the nintendo site
  • Tulkamir
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    Tulkamir polycounter lvl 18
    [ QUOTE ]

    this image is real, you find it by digging around on the nintendo site

    [/ QUOTE ]

    That looks like an incredibly un-ergonomical controller.
  • Wells
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    Wells polycounter lvl 18
    What are those analog sticks doing in my SNES controller?
  • KDR_11k
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    KDR_11k polycounter lvl 18
    Pretending to be a PS2 controller.
  • snemmy
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    snemmy polycounter lvl 18
    [ QUOTE ]
    yeah they beat sony out in just the intro, they should of never let iwata get up there and drone on an on in engrish, and somthing they didnt go over, the classic control!!!! SNES anyone??


    this image is real, you find it by digging around on the nintendo site

    [/ QUOTE ]

    i did read they would have attachment controllers for SNES/N64 and the GC would plug in. but why's it say "britishgaming.co.uk" on that controller?? o.O?
  • swampbug
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    swampbug polycounter lvl 18
    Big DAMN TRUCK !
  • Joshua Stubbles
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    Joshua Stubbles polycounter lvl 19
    I don't think Nintendo beat anyone. Both conferences have been average, with good and bad games being shown.
    That SNES wannabe controller looks like ass, though. The original was horribly uncomfortable, and so will that new one. They should go with a more Gamecube-esque controller.
  • acc
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    acc polycounter lvl 18
    The Wii basically has the Gamecube built into it. It'll run the disks and it'll use the controllers. So if you want a Gamecube style controller, just buy a Gamecube controller. smile.gif

    As for leaving the console on, what's the big deal? It's supposed to use less power than a single light bulb. If eletricity usage is that big of a deal, you shouldn't be buying game systems to begin with. You sure as hell shouldn't be browsing the web right now. And if you ever really needed it to be completely off, it's probably because you have to unplug it anyways. The only legit concern I see is bandwidth usage. Hopefully they do make it optional solely for that.

    I don't think Nintendo beat the crap out of Sony at this conference. I think Sony beat the crap out of itself, and Nintendo did exactly what everyone was expecting it to do. We already know the controller is different. We already know there's a back catalogue. We already know Mario and Zelda and Metroid are going to make an appearance. We already know it has a silly name. What did people expect? That Reggie was going to go around buying free hookers and beer for the audience? Seriously.
  • KeyserSoze
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    KeyserSoze polycounter lvl 18
    [ QUOTE ]
    As for leaving the console on, what's the big deal? It's supposed to use less power than a single light bulb.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    The amount of power used by a single lightbulb is not insignificant if you leave it on 24 hours a day. An average lightbulb is rated at 60 watts, which would be 1.4 Kw a day and 42 Kw a month. Where I live, our "baseline" power usage (which basically means the maximum amount of power we can use before we go into the higher tiered rates, which increase exponentially) is about 370 KwH a month (which we almost always exceed by around 300%, even when we don't run the a/c... which we never use because otherwise we'd have a $300 power bill). So, if we left a Wii on stand-by all the time, it would consume nearly 10% of our baseline power usage... and that's if you just leave it in stand-by and never actually play it. 10% for a SIGNLE device is pretty significant.

    But of course, unplugging it when it's not in use shouldn't be too difficult. Both my roomates have PS2s, and they just flip the rear power switch instead of leaving the system in stand-by. It may be a small inconvienence, but it isn't really a problem... but GOD DAMN is energy expensive frown.gif.
  • acc
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    acc polycounter lvl 18
    [ QUOTE ]
    The amount of power used by a single lightbulb is not insignificant if you leave it on 24 hours a day. An average lightbulb is rated at 60 watts, which would be 1.4 Kw a day and 42 Kw a month. Where I live, our "baseline" power usage (which basically means the maximum amount of power we can use before we go into the higher tiered rates, which increase exponentially) is about 370 KwH a month (which we almost always exceed by around 300%, even when we don't run the a/c... which we never use because otherwise we'd have a $300 power bill). So, if we left a Wii on stand-by all the time, it would consume nearly 10% of our baseline power usage... and that's if you just leave it in stand-by and never actually play it. 10% for a SIGNLE device is pretty significant.

    But of course, unplugging it when it's not in use shouldn't be too difficult. Both my roomates have PS2s, and they just flip the rear power switch instead of leaving the system in stand-by. It may be a small inconvienence, but it isn't really a problem... but GOD DAMN is energy expensive frown.gif.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    Okay, I take it back. If you live somewhere where energy is that expensive, then yeah it's worth noting. I don't think Nintendo really targets electronic devices to people who suffer major consequences for running a light bulb, though.

    I highly doubt Wii will force standby mode on people. Then again, they are copying Apple, the company who won't even put open buttons on their CD/DVD drives.
  • Xenobond
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    Xenobond polycounter lvl 18
    He didn't say houshold lightbulb. He mentioned a mini-light. So like those mini lights that you have as a nightlight (yes, you) or ones that you string around a christmas tree. That's at least 50% less power consumption than a household lightbulb.

    'Design was optimized with state-of-the-art processing technologies that minimize power consumption, keep the console compact and enable the "sleepless" WiiConnect24 mode.'

    They have always been about keeping power consumption low. It can easily be a stanby mode with a 'wake on event' feature that'll wake it up enough to add scheduled downloads, new list of games to try, access to your animal crossing town so your friends can bury all of your fruit, etc.
  • Downsizer
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    Downsizer polycounter lvl 18
    I have some nice press videos for the Wii. It hurts my arm just watching it. Everyone of the demos looks like people are having troubles with it, and I can only imagine an hour of that being a nightmare.

    I refuse to buy it unless they offer alternate controls. Or every game is going to be a slowed down version. Zelda looked terrible, the battles looked clunky, and the aiming was not very accurate.

    It's a gamecube's polygon power with shader capability. The graphics on metroid prime 3 look identical.

    The sleepless WiiConnect 24 mode means it will download content even on low power sleep mode. They gave an example of having visits in your..uhm that friendscode game..whatever, while your system slept.
  • Ninjas
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    Ninjas polycounter lvl 18
    I'm sure the games will take some getting used to. Watch anybody play DDR for the first time and they look like they are having a seizure. It doesn't mean the game has bad control.
  • Weiser_Cain
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    Weiser_Cain polycounter lvl 18
    I like not burning energy needlessly.
  • acc
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    acc polycounter lvl 18
    [ QUOTE ]
    I have some nice press videos for the Wii. It hurts my arm just watching it. Everyone of the demos looks like people are having troubles with it, and I can only imagine an hour of that being a nightmare.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    IGN on WiiSports
    One interesting thing we learned while playing is that you can choose to either do wide, arching movements that genuinely simulate the real game of tennis, or, alternatively, you can choose simple flicks of the wrist to do the same thing. So, if you want to go out (like the actors in Nintendo's initial controller teaser video), you have that option. But if not, you can go small, too. The game recognizes and translates either movement to the court on the fly.

    [/ QUOTE ]
  • Zergxes
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    Zergxes polycounter lvl 18
    I'm definately more jazzed for it after seeing the conference footage, somehow I had missed that the nunchucka would have a motion sensor too. Dual wield. Oh yeah.
  • adam
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    adam polycounter lvl 19
  • Joshua Stubbles
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    Joshua Stubbles polycounter lvl 19
    Already seen that. Ever play SNES? Yeah. One of the most uncomfortable controllers ever.
    Oh look - TWO analog sticks. And a HOME button. Nintendo ripped Sony and MS.....:P

    I'll stick with the Gamecube controller smile.gif
  • Zergxes
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    Zergxes polycounter lvl 18
    That looks much like the HORI controller (sans joysticks) that's been around for Gamecube for years. I don't know how people play the Mega Man collection without them.
  • KDR_11k
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    KDR_11k polycounter lvl 18
    The number of devices that only go into standby is increasing every year. Leaving them in standby eats power, that can add up to quite some money over the course of a year. You turn the lights off when you leave a room, why shouldn't you turn your electronics off when you aren't using them?
  • hawken
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    hawken polycounter lvl 19
    Vassago, I thought the snes controller was one of the best. I've never found it to be painful even after a wasted youth of mariocart.

    the NES controller was painfull

    nintendo pretty much invented the analog joypad so I think they are entitled to slap the GC sticks on it.

    acc, my cd eject button is on the keyboard, wheres the beef?
  • nitzmoff
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    nitzmoff polycounter lvl 18
    I really like what I've seen of the system so far, but it's quickly turning into a vaccuum from a late night infomercial, requiring 87 special attachments to do the job.

    My inclination however, is that they all won't be offered to you this time at once for a low, low price. As Iwata said himself, the nunchucku add on is just one of the many possible add ons for the controller. That SNES controller is in a way, number two.
  • hawken
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    hawken polycounter lvl 19
    Wii *and* number two! wow!
  • Downsizer
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    Downsizer polycounter lvl 18
    Well i'm glad to see that second controller. I love Nintendo game content, I would just hate every single game to use that controller. I mean think about it, every game will be altered to use that thing, it's going to get tiring.

    For example Super Mario Sunshine was great untill I had to keep aiming that water thing with the analog stick. I HATE analog movement, keeping the stick only lightly pressed for some reason completely wrecks my nerves, and I can only do it for short periods.

    Then again, i'm a carpal tunnel candidate.
  • ElysiumGX
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    ElysiumGX polycounter lvl 18
    I never found the SNES controller uncomfortable. Was the NES uncomfortable? Do you have opposable thumbs?

    using as much energy as a nightlight in standby isn't a problem. using as much energy as an Xbox360 while playing is. honestly, you're debating lightbulbs in a nintendo thread.

    the graphics don't look bad. since when is lack of normal maps, and high poly bad? the graphics, environments, effects, and gameplay look fun.

    There appears to now be 3 controllers to choose from, so no more bitching about being FORCED to play games that FORCE you to use the remote that FORCES parts of your body to have motion...fatty fat fat.

    point being, could you people be a little less depressing when the topic of Nintendo comes around? we're just waiting to have some fun. now I must go...my fingers hurt from typing too many words on this stupid keyboard.
  • thnom
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    thnom polycounter lvl 18
    I never found the GC controller uncomfortable but they changed it frown.gif
  • Joshua Stubbles
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    Joshua Stubbles polycounter lvl 19
    The NES and SNES controllers were uncomfortable as all hell. Maybe you have micro hands that fit them better, I don't know.
    But not having a solid base in the palms of my hands led to palm pain after long sessions.
    GX, you're blowing that issue up. No one is complaining about having to move in general. We're complaining because we don't want to have to get up and jump around, just to play a game. If we can sit down and relax, using small gestures, that's fine. Some of the games look really fun. Revolutionary? No. Immersive? No. But fun. And that counts.
  • Downsizer
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    Downsizer polycounter lvl 18
    Post deleted by Downsizer
  • sonic
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    sonic polycounter lvl 18
    [ QUOTE ]
    I think thats horrid and want the option to play it like a normal damned game.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Then you're clearly missing the point. It's a new type of game system, and I can't wait to be more interactive. If you want a normal type of play, play games that don't require it, or play on another system.

    [ QUOTE ]
    What if I have joint problems in my elbow and want to simply play a normal tennis game without having to swat flies or flick wrists? They should'nt penalize customers for not being able to make those motions was my point.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Ok, so what if you have arthritis in your hands? Or tendonitis in your fingers? Or what if you lack thumbs? Damn Microsoft, Nintendo, Sony, Sega, and more for not catering to the thumbless!
  • KDR_11k
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    KDR_11k polycounter lvl 18
    I think thats horrid and want the option to play it like a normal damned game.

    Then don't buy the Wii. You're obviously not their target market.

    The response of that new controller is going to be hella slow, comparing a swatting motion to a button press.

    That's part of the game. They don't ship FPSes with aimbots because manual aiming would be slow, it's part of the challenge.

    They should'nt penalize customers for not being able to make those motions was my point.

    What about users who lost their thumbs or even entire hands to accidents? Should Nintendo make sure they aren't left out?
  • sonic
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    sonic polycounter lvl 18
    hey looky there, i'm not alone!
  • acc
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    acc polycounter lvl 18
    [ QUOTE ]
    GX, what I was talking about was the fact that they are going to push me to use this controller in games like Zelda for all the minigames and aiming. I think thats horrid and want the option to play it like a normal damned game. Same with metroid prime.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    I agree that the Zelda implementation seems really weak. Especially the boomerang, that looks stupid complicated. Hopefully the whole selecting targets thing is optional, and is only used for puzzle purposes (hitting multiple targets). Maybe in battle you can just lock-on and it'll throw normally towards a single target.

    Metroid Prime however, immediately gives you the option of playing with the traditional lock-on mode. In addition to that, it even lets you mix the lock-on with the light-gun aiming if you want. There are definitely developers who are aware of these concerns.

    But honestly if you're going to start complaining about flicking wrists, you need to go see a doctor. How are you using a mouse? Don't say full arm movements, because that must be tiring.
    (and don't say trackball because I don't have a response to that smile.gif
  • b1ll
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    b1ll polycounter lvl 18
    cry cry cry bitch bitch bitch
    Ill see for myself when I'll have a revolution. YUS

    BOO BOO!
  • killingpeople
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    killingpeople polycounter lvl 18
    it's called a wii, noob! PWN
  • ElysiumGX
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    ElysiumGX polycounter lvl 18
    GroupA: Loves Nintendo, can't wait to play.
    GroupB: Cries about tennis elbow and lightbulbs.

    [ QUOTE ]
    Then don't buy the Wii. You're obviously not their target market.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Ditto. Why would you guys feel you're being forced or pushed to play these games? Don't reply to this thread anymore...or are you also being forced?
  • Downsizer
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    Downsizer polycounter lvl 18
    no more posting, i'm done. i was on topic with a valid thought. no need to bring b1ll the idiot circus boy in.
  • Joshua Stubbles
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    Joshua Stubbles polycounter lvl 19
    Wow, eesh. Relax guys! smile.gif

    After seeing some NORMAL video presentations of Wii games in aciton, I'm diggin' it a lot more. Small movements are still translated properly. I like that.
    There's still only a very few titles that have me interested though. Mario, Zelda and Pilotwings are still all that have me interested right now. And the back catalog laugh.gif
  • Ninjas
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    Ninjas polycounter lvl 18
    I want RiverCity Ransom ONLINE!
  • Joshua Stubbles
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    Joshua Stubbles polycounter lvl 19
    Oh YEAH!
    River City Ransom was fn' awesome.
  • acc
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    acc polycounter lvl 18
    Nintendo finally gave word on the new Smash Bros! It has Snake! Snaaaaaaaaake!

    I'm giddy like a schoolgirl.
  • KDR_11k
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    KDR_11k polycounter lvl 18
    Wait, no Ridley? Bastards. I want Ridley.

    Oh and I hope Snake keeps his C4 throw (grab enemy, attach C4, throw, KABOOM) from Dream Mix TV World Fighters. That was just damn funny.
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