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TITAN QUEST demo this wednesday!

polycounter lvl 18
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gauss polycounter lvl 18
In order so that the fine polycounters over at Iron Lore don't come off as shameless self-promoters (though that might be entirely accurate), I'm posting this myself:


The demo for Iron Lore's Titan Quest is dropping this wednesday, the 10th, and I highly suggest you check it out. Stoof and I were treated to a demo of the game at Iron Lore when I took my trip to Boston and we were both very impressed with the game. Definitely worth checking out to see the work of some of our top guys around polycount--the quality of the visual assets is really something.

Oh, and though you might check it out for the art, you'll probably get hooked by the game. Not that any of the WoW players around here need a fresh batch of gaming crack, but I'm telling you... if you were a big Diablo II fan, if you buy Titan Quest just say goodbye to the rest of your summer.

Among other great visual features, Titan Quest features a full day/night cycle. Or as a sleep-deprived Blankslate Joe characterized it: "full day and... dark-time." laugh.gif

Looking forward to the demo and the full game launch, guys. Hope it has a strong showing at E3!


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