Okay, so they unvieled the PS3 controller. It looks exactly the same as the PS2 controller. It's now wireless (bluetooth), and has motion sensor tech, similar to Wii's (sans the laser). Sony has been messing with motion tech for a long time, so don't say they're copying Nintendo, either.
I'm disappointed though, to be honest. I'm watching the guy play Warhawk right now at the conference. It looks retarded, controlling a game like this. Utterly retarded.
Also, pricing.
North America - $499 for 20gb unit and $599 for 60gb unit.
What I saw was underwhelming. Sad sad sad.
I was actually very impressed. The graphics, animation, and networking stuff all seemed great, and the controller seemed to me to be much nicer than the Wii's. I'll have to wait until I see both, but after seeing the press conference I'm damned impressed.
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The only truly impressive thing I saw was MGS4. Warhawk LOOKS really good, but I don't want to play it if I have to wave my god damn arms around like that. It's stupid.
I guess I was hoping to see more higher quality games.
I was actually very impressed. The graphics, animation, and networking stuff all seemed great, and the controller seemed to me to be much nicer than the Wii's. I'll have to wait until I see both, but after seeing the press conference I'm damned impressed.
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And I think I might've had a large advantage over everyone else watching the conference, judging by responses. I went in with low expectations. (Actually, no expectations. I didn't buy into any of the hype.)
Same will go with the nintendo conference tomorrow
e00t, no double headed anal probe anymore!
It's now wireless (bluetooth), and has motion sensor tech, similar to Wii's (sans the laser). Sony has been messing with motion tech for a long time, so don't say they're copying Nintendo, either.
[/ QUOTE ]The fact that its obviously a last minute feature that they've only managed to jerry-rig the one game to use suggests that it is an attempt to steal some of Wii's thunder. The nunchaku has far more than just a mercury switch though so I can't see this being much of a worry to Nintendo's crew.
Overall a rather disappointing display, although I said that about the 360 and still wound up buying one on release day.
Sony has been messing with motion tech for a long time, so don't say they're copying Nintendo, either.
[/ QUOTE ]
You mean like how Nintendo came out with an analog thumb-stick, and shortly there after Sony just happened to come out with the dual analog controller? And then when Nintendo introduced the rumble pack, Sony just happened to add a rumble feature to the dual analog contoller (naming it the 'dual shock' controller)? Or when Sega came up with the VMU, and Sony just happened to release the "PocketStation" immediately after that?
But even if they did really rip off Nintendo, I wouldn't criticize them for it. After Nintendo first unvieled their new controller, I thought it would be a good idea to add the motion tech to a more traditional controller, and that's exactly what Sony has decided to do. It's not like I expect Sony to avoid any new tech just because they weren't the first to introduce it
What does matter who does it better.
Exercise is excerise. When I sit down to play a video game, I'd like to relax, not gamer-cise. They're two differant things.
anyhow, in regards to the sony press conference: they're going to have to really sweeten the pot before launch to make them relevant this generation. as it stands now, not very appealing with that price tag.
I was telling my wife last night they would sell it for $499-599. Why? Because it is slightly more than an iPod, so they know their target market can buy it.
[edit]Oh, and for the price, it's steep, yea, but Sony will lose a projected 400 dollars per PS3 unit sold in the first year due to the production costs. Their projected loss next year is 870 million last I heard. PS3 is the most powerful system around, so the steep price is somewhat inevitable.[/edit]
Metal Gear was impressive. Most everything else was merely alright; The Naughty Dog game looked great, though.
Here is an article, obviously based off a Sony press release. What's it missing? How about any mention of PS2 or PSP sales. You can't make an article about losses without mentioning revenue because revenue - costs = profit(or loss). Since it doesn't mention this obvious thing, the point of the article seems to be to promote the idea that the PS3 costs more to produce than it really does.
Who do you think makes the Blu Ray player that goes in the PS3? I would bet good money that it is not Sony's game division, but rather their parent organization. This leads to the standard accounting practice of selling things to yourself and counting it as an expense. The kicker is that since the Blu Ray players aren't on the market, Sony can set the price as high as they want when selling this stuff to themselves.
Why are Blu Ray players going to cost $900? Prices are set based on what they think people will pay, not how much it costs them to produce something. Dropping prices over time is standard practice for maximizing profit.
I have read a lot about the Blu Ray player, and everyone is saying "the price will come down with economies of scale". This makes no sense when you consider that Sony is producing PS3s at maximum capacity. They can't get any extra economies of scale. what that says to me is that they are spilling bullshit so that they have an excuse when they drop the price in 6 months.
That's what I think, but hey, what do I know.
[edit] I did reread that article and they do mention the steep decline in PS2 and PSP sales, but go on to say how the loss is because of the PS3.
They also went and called the Wii remote a gimmick, saying that Sony didn't need to pursue gimmicks and were focused on advancing the tried and true gameplay that we all know and love.
Geez, come on, of course they ripped off Nintendo. They went straight from the Boomerang to the WiiShock.
The day after the rev controller was revealed I said that the PS4 and Xbox3 were guaranteed to have motion sensing controllers. Sony decided to prove me wrong by ripping off Nintendo even sooner than I expected. I'm half expecting a new Xbox 360 controller to show up pretty soon. At this point Microsoft would be stupid not to.
Hey, anyone remember Sony talking about how players didn't need a unified online service like Xbox Live? How it was completely unnecessary and everything? Coming out with a unified online service after saying something that would be really silly, wouldn't it?
Sony has always been and will always be full of bullshit. Their marketing strategy is to insult every new feature of every other console while simultaneously copying each one for their own use. Sony just loves motion sensing now. It's not a gimmick at all, right Sony? Motion sensing is the future of gaming, isn't it Sony?
Sadly, Sony's so far ahead in the console wars that no amount of bs is ever going to hurt them in the slightest. They know that, that's why they do it so much. In the end they do have the most powerful system and best game lineup.
Doesn't stop me from thinking they're a bunch of scumbags though.
Doesn't stop me from thinking they're a bunch of scumbags though.
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As much so as every other successful corporation in history.
I watched the live feed at work. And I literally fell asleep somewhere around the 1 hour mark. I couldn't be less impressed. But then again I am super-duper jaded.
Doesn't stop me from thinking they're a bunch of scumbags though.
[/ QUOTE ]
As much so as every other successful corporation in history.
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In terms of the entertainment market, no. Sony manages to annoy me more than most.
Oh, here's another wonderful Sony innovation I forgot to mention. A big, round button in the middle of the controller. Gee, I wonder what that's going to be for.
And hey, I seem to remember Sony blasting Microsoft for putting out the "retard package" version of the 360. Turns out the "cheap" PS3 package is gimped like crazy as well. Take a look at this:
499.99 version:
- No built-in Wi-fi
- No HDMI port
- No Memory Stick slot
- No SD card slot
- No Compact Flash slot
- 20GB hard drive
That's one "innovation" they certainly didn't need to copy.
I've heard the details on the motion sensing now and it's complete pants compared to Wii. Can't detect position relative to the screen and can't be used light-gun style. No swordfighting, no throwing footballs, no fishing or whatnot.
Sony just killed all enthusiasm I had for the console. Doesn't change the games that interested me (damn you Kojima and your painfully good trailers) but the console itself has no draw for me at all anymore.
Remember how Nintendo was so reluctant to show the controller because they were afraid it would be stolen and people kept calling them paranoid?
Sadly, Sony's so far ahead in the console wars that no amount of bs is ever going to hurt them in the slightest. They know that, that's why they do it so much. In the end they do have the most powerful system and best game lineup.
We used to say the same about Nintendo during the SNES era.
I've heard the details on the motion sensing now and it's complete pants compared to Wii.
That's Sony. It would surprise me if something they did WASN'T half assed.
sony have always ripped off nintendo to such an extent that the playstation it's self is actually a brainchild of both nintendo and sony. Only sony pulled out of the r&d with nintendo to release it alone.
I really don't see the facination with the playstation brand. Nintendo dug their own grave when they abandoned Sony´s Project.
the Ps2 was bought in Japan because it was a cheap dvd player. NOT because of the games.
9 months ago....
I agree that the simple gyroscrope type motion sensor is shitty, though.
And here's a kicker for you Nintendophiles. Remember the Atari 2600? There was a motion-sensing 'wand' controller released for that, called LeStick . Microsoft and Logitech also released moition sensing controllers for the PC back in 1999.
Nintendo did what every other company does - stood on the shoulders of others, and added to what has already been done. Not to say that it doesn't have it's applications. I'm just saying it's not as 'revolutionary' as you guys defend it to be.
I also agree with Johny, the Wii is probably the only console that is going to turn a profit. The 360 is pretty much dead in the water and offers very little that is'nt ported to PC.
600 bucks is entirely too much for a console, but they do have some amazing looking games. I hope they make up hardware sale loss in game profit.
Sony said the prices from that French thing were a "mistranslation". LIARS! It would be a fucking miracle if Sony said something that WASN't complete bullshit.
It still comes down to the games, though. The PS2 had better games than any other system this past generation, hands down.
I'd like to see the games that are on the market around spring of next year. Should be a good judging time.
And hey, I seem to remember Sony blasting Microsoft for putting out the "retard package" version of the 360. Turns out the "cheap" PS3 package is gimped like crazy as well. Take a look at this:
499.99 version:
- No built-in Wi-fi
- No HDMI port
- No Memory Stick slot
- No SD card slot
- No Compact Flash slot
- 20GB hard drive
That's one "innovation" they certainly didn't need to copy.
[/ QUOTE ]
Wait a minute... so there are actual physical differences between the two versions? So you can't buy the peripherals separately to upgrade to the 599 version? That is beyond lame.
I mean.. wtf would I do with a compact flash slot? Watch pictures I guess, transfer saves? I can buy a USB multi card reader for 10 bucks. Last I checked WIFI is slower than cabled and as my comcast internet is at 7mbits, 8.011g wont cut it for me.
So yeah. I can see why they did it.
They should have just released the system with no hard drive at $499, and allowed you to upgrade.