Hoi there
first thing i´m fighting with, is the max dx-realtime stuff for normalmap preview.. is there an easy way to show even parts with mirrored uv´s right? (easier than "give the mirrored parts a new texture with fliped channel..) ?
if not .. is this trick with the 2nd texture the only workaround? (bc i´v seen a lot renders/realtime shots form models with mirrored uv´s .. like mr.rockstars general-arm)
the other question belongs to q4 (/doom3) what does this engine allows concerning normalmaps? is there e.g. uv-flipping allowed?
so far thx a lot

Doom3 does allow uv-flipping but it works best if you render your normalmaps from doom3 normalbump renderer as opposed to any other program.
so i stop messing around with max and go directly into the game
ruz is right, but if you're stuck with max7 i don't think there is a way to avoid the ass-tastic realtime display of normal maps.
[/ QUOTE ]
i think that's partially also thanks to the awesome metal bump instant-make-image-ugly shader which never stops to underwhelm.
on the subject of ass-tastic normal map display - i recently "upgraded" from max 7 to 7 SP1 and noticed that now very noticeable seams show up on every uv seam in rendered output. has this been discussed before, too? vanilla 7 has no such problems. yummy!
about xnormals.. loooooooveit
if you want to stick a model into doom3 or quake4 best thing to do is use renderbump, i think the q4 one has support for objs. not only does it eliminate seams but it also looks correctly on animated models. I've tried using max and melody and came pretty close, make sure to stick the "unsmoothedtangents" tag into your material shader.
with those engines the way i usually work is get the normal maps out then throw the model into a test room and texture it while previewing directly in the game, occasionally hit reloadimages/reloadsurface to update the textures.