one of my many, many unfinished projects has gotten a small update:
itsay robot. anyone guess which kind of robot? hehe.
you'll most probably never seen one of these stripped of their clothing.
lower jaw and most of the body is still not unwrapped, or normal mapped, so they'll look bland an uninteresting.
if i'm bothered, i might do an update on it later
I like the design choices you've made there, the low-tech engineering approach.
More would be nice..
and another pic, showing more of the unfinished body.
babysteps. but at least its an update.
i handpainted the normals on the shoulders and main power circuit breaker battery plug converter thingy. and added a power button, i guess its pretty obvious, hehe.
i'm having problems with max normals coming off all messed up usually.
while trying to create a new spline object, they suddenly popped into view. after wrestling some more with 3ds max, i finally managed to get the cables permanently visible.
Very cool design btw
I am evil homer! i am evil homer!
whats the pc so far?
keep it up
added front shield. pondering about doing another version with just the shoulderplates. and also added UV's to the lower back links, and back in general, as well as the hip area.
Are you going to put the purple footclan suit on him? .
but i've been looking at the clothing style used in the 1st turtles movie, and going to try and replicate that for this footsoldier. now thats going to be a challenge, considering how bad i am with clothing heh.