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33 more days of work for me!

polycounter lvl 18
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Jeremy Lindstrom polycounter lvl 18
Well, the decision has been made.. I've kicked it around for so long but finally... June 25th will be my last day of full time 40 hour a week work for a couple semesters. In July, I'll continue going to school full time maybe pick up an extra class or two in hopes of finishing school a bit sooner..

The time I'm taking from work will allow me to get some extra experience with the avid, motion capture, green screen studios at school as well as dig in and update my modelling skillzors and fix my portfolio.. I'm excited.. laugh.gif

I've currently been going to work 40+ hours a week and hitting school 6-10 4 nights a week this has left me very little time to do homework, let alone spend time with family or do any artwork.

This is all thanks to my wife.. I will definitely have to kiss some bootay for this.. laugh.gif


  • notman
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    notman polycounter lvl 18
    lol, I wish my wife would pull her weight enough for me to do the same.

    Good luck. That's a great advantage to have.
  • Xenobond
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    Xenobond polycounter lvl 18
    Make sure to keep yourself busy, and at least 'working' part-time on your skills.

    I got to be that way when I got laid off from where I worked at last (not a game co). I figured, well at least I'll have more time to work on my portfolio.

    After a few months of staying up late, waking up even later, I knew that nothing was getting done. So I just started getting up at a regular time, and putting in at least 6 hours during the day time to work on getting my folio together/polished. Then I just took enough classes at school that I wouldn't have to start paying back loans.
  • Jeremy Lindstrom
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    Jeremy Lindstrom polycounter lvl 18
    yeah, my plan is to hit school from 8-12, maybe pick up one of the open labs, figure drawing classes that are free during the week as well and treat it like a job until 5 or 6 PM every day and not get into the habit of lounging as I need to actually show some accomplishments to let her know I'm actually getting things done... I just hate seeing these free open labs that I can't take advantage of since I was working so much and school the otehr times.. laugh.gif Now and I can pick up some extra zbrush experience and other open labs and get some mojo going...
  • Jeremy Lindstrom
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    Jeremy Lindstrom polycounter lvl 18
    Whew, gave them a 7 week advance notice of my resignation today so they could hire someone and let me train them, went pretty well kinda scary.. but the first step has been completed.
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