perhaps if you pegged it as fast as possible through every scene and hardly kill anyone.. but do you judge the quality of your dessert by how fast you can eat it?
yeah now that i've gotten my billing address stuff sorted out with Steam, Valve has steadily been taking my money. they just got some more of it today.
I kinda feel ripped off too. I mean here it is sitting on my machine, something I paid for, but I can't use it. What could they possibly be waiting for?
I kinda feel ripped off too. I mean here it is sitting on my machine, something I paid for, but I can't use it. What could they possibly be waiting for?
[/ QUOTE ]
LOL, its as if they forced you to download it. Remedy: Don't preload until the game is out.
I said kinda. I just dont get why they are waiting to unlock it. Meh. It's not like it takes any of thier bandwidth or server power, and an early release would be good PR these days.
20 bucks says it's a cliff hanger ending that answers didly squat. Uber reused content, and cheesy female hero lines written by men, and 2 new enemies. No boss character, aaaannnd more driving.
No no no. With me, I'm tired of the same glass. I want a multicolored stained glass bulletproof version. I could care less about the water.
So technically i'm overly optimistic! And i just get my spirits crushed often, because I never pay atention to just enjoying what it is. Hey at least I know my issue. b1ll is another story. I think it's teh roids'.
huh? i dont think i nag. nagging is much pushier than i am. i'm just always playing devils advocate. because if i'm not enjoying myself, i'll be damned if i wont try my best to expose the magic show for the farce it is and make people cry about it too. at least in my own little world thats what's happening.
nagging implies that i give a shit that you people listen to me, when i really dont. in fact i hope most of you are by it, maybe the industry would notice and not churn out as much AAA crap as they do!
yep, i'm a piece of shit. and you've validated that 100%
you do know i'm just messing with b1ll right? we've been doing this for months. i love HL2, god forbid I have a few thoughts about this cheap episodic content. you know it's to squeeze out more money with re-used assets. and thats fine if they do it right, i paid for it, i'm excited about it. if you'd read between the lines a bit, you'll see I was only miffed about not being able to play it.
i was just having fun with those who were playing along. sorry if i jostled ya guy, but lighten up. it's great how in chat you were fine with me until b1ll or some other hotshot decided he did'nt like me and you guys just jump on the band wagon. my side hurts hehe.
it felt much longer to me but then again im a pretty slow gamer..
im gonna try this out aswell. gonna be fun
I kinda feel ripped off too. I mean here it is sitting on my machine, something I paid for, but I can't use it. What could they possibly be waiting for?
[/ QUOTE ]
LOL, its as if they forced you to download it. Remedy: Don't preload until the game is out.
/waves a white flag
And i'll play it like it's my own child.
So technically i'm overly optimistic! And i just get my spirits crushed often, because I never pay atention to just enjoying what it is. Hey at least I know my issue. b1ll is another story. I think it's teh roids'.
nagging implies that i give a shit that you people listen to me, when i really dont. in fact i hope most of you are
I know i'm great and all, but i'm taken.
Edit: I need a b1ll vs d0wnsizer thread stat!
as for HL2 Ep1 I'll buy it eventually but I'm not going to preload it
you do know i'm just messing with b1ll right? we've been doing this for months. i love HL2, god forbid I have a few thoughts about this cheap episodic content. you know it's to squeeze out more money with re-used assets. and thats fine if they do it right, i paid for it, i'm excited about it. if you'd read between the lines a bit, you'll see I was only miffed about not being able to play it.
i was just having fun with those who were playing along. sorry if i jostled ya guy, but lighten up. it's great how in chat you were fine with me until b1ll or some other hotshot decided he did'nt like me and you guys just jump on the band wagon. my side hurts hehe.
b1ll you seem to be fixated on this sucking thing. is your latent homosexuality trying to come to the surface?
[/ QUOTE ]
Latent? How's that latent?