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Once Again: Pose to Shelf Equivalent for Max8?

polycounter lvl 18
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Scott Ruggels polycounter lvl 18
I asked this before, and was guided to the cut & Paste in Character Studio, as well as the "Character Tools". For the most part it worked sort of, until we found out that the "Cut & Paste fuction 1.) only worked inside one file, and 2.) Caused the files size to bloat immensely.

The Functionality I need is what I had with Pose2Shelf, except it works for Max, in that I want poses for a particular skeleton to be saved as Buttons, that can be used in any file that uses that same skeleton, and cause that skeleton to snap to that pose, and create a key for it. I want to be able to save multiple poses. I want it to snap only what is selected into the pose. I want it to work with bones AND manipulators, and Geometry, basically what ever is selected. Is there any equivalent to this im Max? The ability to be able to paste poses between different files without using Motion Flow is most important.



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