Ok. So I got bored recently, and went "I wonder what would happen if I stuck my Intuos 3 behind my laptop monitor?", so I did. And it worked...somewhat. What kept it from working perfectly is that my monitor is 15", and the Intuos is a 6"x8", or the equivalent of a 10" monitor. So, I did some math, and found it would take a 9"x12" Intous to fit a 15" monitor. Then I started thinking some more...would it be possible to hack together a Cintiq, for less than the cost of the Cintiq itself? Would it even be worth the effort? I'm going to study the matter further...but I thought it'd be an interesting question, or idea.
It doesn't wreck your monitor to be using the stylus on it at all? And how does the pen pressure work?
You could use a thin piece of pexiglass so you don't scratch/damage the actual monitor. Or a custom cut piece of glass.
Defintily would need to fabricate a new case for the labtop if you were tote it around :P
Now if it was a tablet PC that you could play with Photoshop and ZBrush on the train with, that'd be a different story.
I tried researching these tablets myself, Wikipedia told me they were powered by pixies...
- Good luck!
Wow, that's a great idea.
It doesn't wreck your monitor to be using the stylus on it at all? And how does the pen pressure work?
[/ QUOTE ]
Actually...it does. Which is why I'm still sticking to the ole pen on tablet way of working for now. But yeah I won't be throwing one together personally anytime soon, since I'm a student and all without a full time job