sigh, no recognition by the boards that today is my bday.
[edit]appears there is now a cake by my name[/edit]

26 now and about to start my life over. going to graduate school this fall for figure drawing and game art. my girl has left me(earlier this month, would have been 2.5 years together next month) and is going to grad school for her MLS degree. today and tomorrow will be our last days together. No bitter feelings or anything, things just kinda dissolved slowly. but we will be moved out of this apartment by tomorrow.
so happy birthday me!
oh and asherr too :P
out of the apartment now. gotta take dad's truck back to move a couple big things and finish cleaning.
i did get to spend some nice quality time with samantha for my birthday, the only present i asked for. happy but sad at the same time. but it was a good farewell, much nicer than if we had gotten angry at each other.
c'est la vie or something
ah well, as long as you two ended it on good terms, can't ask for much more than that (relationships are no fun to end on a bitter note).
Good luck with the schoolin, it's time to start kickin' some artistic ass! Let's see some snemster attacks on those ol' P&P pages!