Hi, I might be making a new system since my old system from 2000 is well ancient and I'm starting to need something more powerful. I don't need the super top of the line but I need something beefy that isn't over 800 bucks. If it's possible to gethis with 400 bucks that would be great.

I only need a mid tower, mini would be great but there doesn't seem to be anything that fit's my needs.
What I have now is Gateway workstation runnying win 2000
2 p3 450
512 megs of ram
120 gig HD
nvidia geforce 4 titanium
dvd/cdr combo
200 watt power supply
I'm looking to build a P4 3.2 ghz 800 with at least a
gig or ram. what would be good parts for this. I was wondering if AMD 64 would be better though, but I'm concerned about 64 bit causeing problems for my 32 bit apps. All I'll be doing is makeing art in XSI, Photoshop and playing games.
I more or less think I know what I want
winxp pro
P4 3.2 hyperthreading 800 FBS
1 gig or more of ram
HD and dvd/cdr combo drives I'm thinking of reusing from old
I would like to have as many usb ports as possible and a few for the front.
What would be a good case, easy to open and mess around with, and a good power supply.
What would be a good graphics card, I need something that will work with Max, Maya, XSI and loves games.
What would be a good motherboard for this?
The devices I use are a wacom 2 usb, scanner usb, digital camara.
There used to be a forum for this before the boards went down last year. I hope this isn't a bad place to ask for this kind of advice.
or if you're feeling like a cheapy, get a socket 754 mobo and a sempron 2600 and overclock that sucker to 2ghz for performance pretty equal to that of an athlon64 3200, but with alot less price. 128kb l2 cache isn't that bad...
as for video cards, just stay away from the 6200, the entire Geforce FX series and Radeons lower than 9700 (r9500 pro is the exception), and you'll be good.
Any thoughts on this mini? Are Shuttle the best mini pcs around?
Support Socket 754 for AMD Athlon 64 CPU
VIA K8M800 + VIA VT8237R
Supports DDR 266/333/400
K8M800 Integrated UniChrome 2 Graphics
Realtek ALC658 Audio Codec
7 in 1 Card Reader ; IEEE 1394
10/100 Mbps Ethernet LAN
260W Power Supply
Heh, just checked my card is a MSI G4 Ti 4400 with 128 mb DDR. I love that card.
Oh and that Shuttle has an onboard graphics card. That means 3d performance worse than a Voodoo 1. Avoid those at all costs unless you never want to use 3d on the system.
What's the difference between mini and mid tower? One 5.25" slot?
Socket 939 Athlon 64 3200+
1gb dual channel memory (corsair, mushkin, or similar brand)
An nForce4 motherboard with PCI-e, I recommend this one : http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.asp?Item=N82E16813131569
As far as the graphics card goes, if you're not going to be playing anything past battlefield2 for a while, go with something like this: http://www.newegg.com/Product/CustratingReview.asp?item=N82E16814150130 , but if you need more juice (to run obvlion and such things!) go with this : http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.asp?Item=N82E16814150140
as far as the hard drive and other components go, you can figure that out, just make sure you get a 450+ watt power supply.
Damn I have fallen behind in the hardware scene. =P
If anyone wants to lend me a hand on msn or something, be my guest!
i'm looking to get a machine for around 1500, if at all possible with a good soundcard as well (good for recording etc, that is)
i'd be satisfied with a less-than-top-of-the-line videocard.
P.S. what do you think of the AMD M2 socket processors that are supposed to be hitting the markets soon? is ddr2 really where its going to be at? I havn't heard such great things.
I'm a systems engineer if you have any specific questions. 800 bucks wont get you much i'm afraid. Not enough for a decent gaming rig, unless you canabalize some old parts from your current machine. By gaming rig, i mean high detail at 1024x768 minimum spec on current gen games. I cant even get that in current gen games like Oblivion or B&W 2.
check pricewatch.com if you are building it yoruself.
Downsizer: Of course, if you cannibalize the trivial parts (that REALLY don't need replacing) like drives and case you can get away with 600-700$ for a gaming rig.
Testing Oblivion is a bit unfair, I don't think you can get a decent framerate in that without a 5000$ rig. Hell, you can't get a constant framerate on the target hardware (XCircle). I mean, it's like demanding a rig that'll never chug when playing Clonk (with lots of custom items).