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Maya Generalists needed in L.A.!

polycounter lvl 17
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DAMC123 polycounter lvl 17
Maya Generalist wink.gif

Los Angeles based film & effects house is currently looking for Maya Generalists that have feature film experience. On a daily basis, the Maya Generalists will be responsible for the development of various photorealistic hard surface models. As a Generalist, ideal candidates will need to have a diverse background and be able to create textures, models, particle effects, non-character animations and/or lighting. To be considered, applicants must have experience on at least one feature film, be highly proficient using Maya for 3D development and visual effects and local to Los Angeles. If interested please send your resume to nicole@damconsultants.com


  • Daz
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    Daz polycounter lvl 18
    This being a game art website, you'll find very very few people around here with feature experience I'm afraid, but I guess it's worth posting.

    As an aside, FX houses really should reconsider their insistance on feature experience. There are many talented individuals in the videogame market who use the exact same tools and software! There's really no need for it, and FX houses are simply narrowing their options.
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