For a more "interesting" sound:
The Legendary Pink Dots
The Tear Garden (Fronted by the same singer as TLPD)
Einstürzende Neubauten
Sleepytime Gorilla Museum
Xiu Xiu
Kamelot - Awesome band, great vocalist, interesting content. (Their last two CD's were a two part set based on Goeth's Faust).
Arcturus - Very (very) progressive band, some of their stuff is great, some takes some time to get used to. Try Starcrossed and Kinetic to start off.
Green Carnation - Amazing band, they have done many different genres of music, but always retain their own style. If you can get it, light of day, day of darkness is their masterpiece sort of thing. It's a 60 minute song. Their most recent album is an acoustic one, which I loved. Try the song "Alone". It's based on the poem of the same name by Edgar Allen Poe.
There's more, but I'll leave it at that for now, dunno if you;d ben interested in metal at all anyways.
The Arcade Fire (Funeral is one of the best albums I've heard in so very long)
Clap Your Hands Say Yeah
The Decemberists
The Postal Service
The Flaming Lips
machine head
in flames
god forbid
strapping young lad
arch enemy
bury your dead
cephalic carnage
dark tranquility
as i lay dying
it dies today
killswitch engage
lamb of god
between the buried and me
norma jean
bleeding through
full blown chaos
The Arcade Fire (Funeral is one of the best albums I've heard in so very long)
Clap Your Hands Say Yeah
The Postal Service
The Flaming Lips
[/ QUOTE ]
I'd second all of these and add to the list:
Minus the Bear
Wolf Parade (this album is soooo good)
TV on the Radio.
A lot of my favourites have been mentioned (ps: m83 is shite live, i'm sorry to say), but here's a band who not enough people have heard:
People tend to describe them as being Mogwai mixed with Aphex twin.. which goes some ways to covering to load, i suppose.
but here's a band who not enough people have heard:
People tend to describe them as being Mogwai mixed with Aphex twin.. which goes some ways to covering to load, i suppose.
[/ QUOTE ]
I'm listening to the few tracks they have on their site, and wow, these guys are awesome... they're kind of like Boards of Canada meets Explosions in the Sky. I'm really diggin' them, thanks.
- Front Line Assembly (my fav)
- Front 242
- Funkervogt
- Velvet Acid Christ
- Suicide Commando
- Das Ich
- System Syn
- Gary Numan (yes, THAT Gary Numan) His lastest album is REALLY differant.
A lot of my favourites have been mentioned (ps: m83 is shite live, i'm sorry to say), but here's a band who not [ QUOTE ]
enough people have heard:
People tend to describe them as being Mogwai mixed with Aphex twin.. which goes some ways to covering to load, i suppose.
[/ QUOTE ]Its fantastic to see the 65DOS name getting out there. We all new they were destined for great things when they used to hang out on TEFOSAV (another good source of interesting electronic-typed music, though its pretty quiet there these days and out forum has only been replaced in the last week or so, so its somewhat lacking in any shared music. ).
I'm an Industrial DJ in training, and I spin synthpop/UK Rock for my girly.
'Bloc Party - Banquet'
'The Subways - Oh Yeah'
'The Faint - Agenda Suicide'
The Legendary Pink Dots
The Tear Garden (Fronted by the same singer as TLPD)
Einstürzende Neubauten
Sleepytime Gorilla Museum
Xiu Xiu
Kamelot - Awesome band, great vocalist, interesting content. (Their last two CD's were a two part set based on Goeth's Faust).
Arcturus - Very (very) progressive band, some of their stuff is great, some takes some time to get used to. Try Starcrossed and Kinetic to start off.
Green Carnation - Amazing band, they have done many different genres of music, but always retain their own style. If you can get it, light of day, day of darkness is their masterpiece sort of thing. It's a 60 minute song. Their most recent album is an acoustic one, which I loved. Try the song "Alone". It's based on the poem of the same name by Edgar Allen Poe.
There's more, but I'll leave it at that for now, dunno if you;d ben interested in metal at all anyways.
Feist and Kings of Convenience if you want to try something quieter.
[/ QUOTE ]
kings are great, as is Einstürzende Neubauten...
lately I've been addicted to, (go with indiepoprocks), and (nice mix of stuff)
Clap Your Hands Say Yeah
The Decemberists
The Postal Service
The Flaming Lips
<u>IN FLAMES</u>
[/ QUOTE ]
I'll second that.
french electronic group. I'm terrible at describing music, but it's really moody electronic stuff. Mostly ambient but some more rock based.
and all the Silent Hill soundtracks are great work music.
'Consider your ass kicked' is my theme song
machine head
in flames
god forbid
strapping young lad
arch enemy
bury your dead
cephalic carnage
dark tranquility
as i lay dying
it dies today
killswitch engage
lamb of god
between the buried and me
norma jean
bleeding through
full blown chaos
Type in your favorite bands and it will search for similiar ones. and it does a really good job.
I dont know much of the music you have listed, but if you like weird, Amon Tobin has some really good stuff, as does Mogwai. Nive music to work to.
The Arcade Fire (Funeral is one of the best albums I've heard in so very long)
Clap Your Hands Say Yeah
The Postal Service
The Flaming Lips
[/ QUOTE ]
I'd second all of these and add to the list:
Minus the Bear
Wolf Parade (this album is soooo good)
TV on the Radio.
To add a small handful more that you might not have heard of:
Mice Parade
!!! (Chk Chk Chk)
The Detachment Kit
Year of the Rabbit
Lately I've been on a huge Parappa the Rappa kick.
People tend to describe them as being Mogwai mixed with Aphex twin.. which goes some ways to covering to load, i suppose.
but here's a band who not enough people have heard:
People tend to describe them as being Mogwai mixed with Aphex twin.. which goes some ways to covering to load, i suppose.
[/ QUOTE ]
I'm listening to the few tracks they have on their site, and wow, these guys are awesome... they're kind of like Boards of Canada meets Explosions in the Sky. I'm really diggin' them, thanks.
- Front Line Assembly (my fav)
- Front 242
- Funkervogt
- Velvet Acid Christ
- Suicide Commando
- Das Ich
- System Syn
- Gary Numan (yes, THAT Gary Numan) His lastest album is REALLY differant.
Though all of Numan's albums recently have been darker and heavier. I dig it though, and I really can't wait for a US Tour again.
Subway to Sally
Corvus Corax
maybe Dead Can Dance?
enough people have heard:
People tend to describe them as being Mogwai mixed with Aphex twin.. which goes some ways to covering to load, i suppose.
[/ QUOTE ]Its fantastic to see the 65DOS name getting out there. We all new they were destined for great things when they used to hang out on TEFOSAV (another good source of interesting electronic-typed music, though its pretty quiet there these days and out forum has only been replaced in the last week or so, so its somewhat lacking in any shared music. ).